Hillary Ain’t In Charge Of Hillary…Holder and Progressives Real Plan For Women And Freedom…The Less Free, The Less Rich–Truisms That Are All Interrelated, And On Purpose


Hillary Puppet

Happy Saturday folks, join Reid from the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo! We hope you enjoy this weeks show.

One Response to “Hillary Ain’t In Charge Of Hillary…Holder and Progressives Real Plan For Women And Freedom…The Less Free, The Less Rich–Truisms That Are All Interrelated, And On Purpose”

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  1. Jan Mercot says:

    The political correctness in this country is going to crucify us in more ways than one. I really do not understand why such sensitivity and people really need to save their excuses for using them. I am very well versed in Latin America and its politics and they are much more forward than us when it comes to calling things by their name. Black is black, white is white and so forth and so forth. They aren’t afraid of offending anyone. Like it matters anyway. If you think about it, people get offended just by the fact that others breathe, so why not say things how they are? So since we are never going to make the entire population happy, lets at least call things by their name!

    I am so glad that you called out the Black Homosexual that killed the two White Young Reporters in Virginia. Why should that be an issue? Was he Black? Yes. Was he a Homosexual? Yes. So what is the big deal? The media is in many ways the culprit for this whole politically correct BS. They have no issue pointing fingers when a White person kills a Black person, but when it is the other way around they seem to have an issue with it. Case in point, the Black man that killed the White Sherriff’s Deputy in Houston, TX. I have read numerous media outlets and I yet have to read one that calls the killer Black. Why?!!! Personally I am sick of it. I have being saying it for a long time, we are being held hostages by those with a sense of entitlement. I really don’t care if your ancestors were slaves, do you really think that they have been the only group throughout history to have suffer atrocities? Please!!! Go ahead and cry me a river!!!

    In terms of Hillary Clinton, I could care less that she and I are the same gender. I am nauseated by the fact that friends and acquaintances think that because we are both women, I should vote for her. Give me a freaking break! What is it with the notion that because she is a woman, women should vote for her? That she would be the first female President? Really? Maybe here in the US because in other parts of the world women have been and are Presidents, so the notion that she would be the first female President is completely erroneous. The same goes with Blacks, Asians and those of Spanish descent, they have already been there and done that. People really need to get their facts straight!!!

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