FREE BOOK!! Obamacare – Symbolic of Progressive (Communist) Failure–Part Two. It Has Never Worked–Not In 5,000 Years. Obamacare? Merely Indicative Of The Real, Chilling End Goals Of Progressives. Join Reid And Lowell Ponte For A Continuation Of This Frightening, Eye Opening, Need To Know Exposure Of Their Dark Ambitions.

Lowell Ponte – “An Experienced Voice With A Vision For the Future”

Obamacare is a dismal failure–and like other progressive policy is based on the fraud and lies of its proponents and architects. It is all part of the progressive mantra–and long term plan. Reid and Lowell Ponte, co-author with Craig smith of The Great Withdrawal – How the Progressives’ 100-year Debasement of America and the Dollar Ends, for a continuation of the riveting discussion on the history, failures, subterfuge, goals and outcomes (if not stopped) of progressivism (communism) in the United States. Miss Craig’s terrific interview two weeks ago? Listen here and be sure and catch the informative articles posted with that show, and the wealth of information posted below from many sources. The stories behind the stories you simply won’t read or hear anywhere else.  Lowell brings a wealth of detailed knowledge to the interview–macro and micro points and anecdotes not covered with Craig. It is easy to see why these two form such a powerful author team.

The real story behind the debt and deficit–and just why Obama and minions will take no steps other than waste, waste, waste, spend, spend, spend. The wedges of race, class, income and religion. The attacks on faith, family and the Constitution–rarely frontal, just a steady chip, chip, chip at the very foundations of American values and individual freedoms. You will have more than one epiphany! 

Are liberals progressives? Most are not. But the hardcore left–that cabal of mean spirited, misleading, the “means justifies the ends” ideologues–has hijacked the Democratic party and liberals go blindly along for altruistic reasons fueled by the message of bitter division. Beginning with Woodrow Wilson, then FDR, then Johnson, Carter…and now Obama–a combination of those who preceded him on steroids. That “fundamental transformation of the United States” (Obama, 2008) was not just rhetoric. Like Mao, Hitler, Lenin the US progressives started soft–the warm fuzzy words that draw you in but mask the sinister intent–and then, when power grows, comes the hard sell, the control, the redistribution all fuzzed over with lies and omissions like those now coming to light virtually every day in the sorry debacle known as Obama care–NSA, IRS, coercion of business, and control of the citizens. The pattern has not differed for 5,000 years–and neither has the outcome. Ever.

Craig and Lowell and their publishers are giving away–that is right, FREE, not even shipping costs—his book The Great Withdrawal – How the Progressives’ 100-year Debasement of America and the Dollar Ends with easy dial in instructions–and they have a host of other books–highly informative, fact filled, footnoted to the brim. Get Lowell and Craig’s free book just for listeners of On the Right Side, read it, pass it on. Be informed. It is the first step in the battle for America’s soul and your kid’s future. We still have time, but the sun is past its zenith and daylight’s wastin’.

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