Of Retribution, Reparations, and Social Justice–Religious, Racial and Economic–Obama’s Real Lust


Too rambling last week? Your opinion is valued and noted!! How about the bullet point version of the now inescapable conclusions about Barrack Obama, Islam, terror, brown skinned people, Iran and the bomb, reparations, retribution and social justice. Remember, until we pay for slavery , the inquisitions of 500 years ago and the crusades of 1,000 years ago, the world just won’t be in balance. Read these books (all used–no money to the writer) and articles (including Michelle Obama’s Princeton Thesis ) Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barrack Obama— ( Digital) and Memoirs by Iranian president, Rouhani (not available in English print but Articles can be found here and here and Rouhani’s Nuclear Views: An Open Book? with list of current publications).
Listen to Reid’s past interviews with national Islam and Sharia experts including Clare Lopez, on radical Islam (Listen in here)…and Reid’s show on the background, youth and shaping of the man who is now our “President”.

And the guise of “the war on terror is over”, “ISIS is not Islamic”, is continued in domestic/economic doublespeak, omission and misrepresentation. Cause–ya know–our physical safety, or lack thereof is not quite enough retribution, reparation and punishment–to really do the job, the economy has to tank.  And the odds of tanking American finances rise exponentially– whether through debt, regulation , taxation or just plain old ain’t the weather grand subterfuge (see www.shadowstats.com and compare to the heady gibberish flowing from the democrats) when the speaker knows full well this is but the eye of the economic storm–a tempest of ever growing possibility that he eagerly nurtures and conceals.


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2 Responses to “Of Retribution, Reparations, and Social Justice–Religious, Racial and Economic–Obama’s Real Lust”

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  1. Jan Mercot says:

    Great show! Able to clearly follow the dots and arrive at the same conclusion as you! What a shame that our president has no respect for our great country. We are certainly living in scary times and the prognosis for the future does not look any better if things continue going in the same direction. Something has to be done and this lunacy has to be stopped before it is too late for all of us. I hope that the next two years go by flying and that America is able to pick the right president as someone that truly has our best interest as a nation at heart! Thank you for keeping us informed and on our toes!

    • Reid says:

      Thank you for the comment, Jan. Unfortunately, what we are witnessing (with our lying eyes if the progressive rhetoric is to be believed) is not lunacy. It is their intent. And Obama does care deeply–about ensuring that America and Americans pay what he and his minions believe to be the just retribution, reparation and social justice for conjured failings, and historical mistakes by generations far in the past now long rectified–the ultimate evening up being his buddies in Tehran, birth place of Valerie Jarrett, getting the bomb, teaching those pesky infidel jews a lesson, and evening the score with America–his score

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