Progressivism–Marxism Disguised By A Name–Its Tentacles: Obamacare, NSA, Fast And Furious, Executive Orders, Senate Nuclear Option–The Real War On Women And Their Families Reid’s Recap Of The Last Ten Shows–With A Host Of New Mind Bending Facts You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else

Join Reid for a glimpse at what you have not been told by a progressive press supporting a progressive administration with an extreme, dangerous progressive ideology, and end goals that closely resemble the agendas of Hitler, Lenin and Mao. A staccato of facts on little known, and just now emerging nuances of Veteran healthcare-Tricare, Medicare, Obamacare and how under the screeching din of those failures the President and progressive minions are pushing legislation by regulation, a deteriorating American standing with allies and foes alike (while ignoring ominous rumbles of conflict, perhaps war, from china), degradation of the military and military benefits, invasion of the privacy both on line and on phone of every American, and massive redistribution policies through tax and stealth affecting first and foremost the middle class. And then there are the lies incessant, premeditated, continuous, repeated–criminal fraud on the American public. Ladies–particularly those of you who complain loudest about choice–your choices on how, when, where, and what to spend your families medical dollars–even what doctor or hospital you use–are being completely stripped. And Reid has other news for you–a break from AM Broadcasts for a spell to focus on the books, but the web site, the archives, and the weekly Saturday posting will continue–one stop for all the news you never hear from many sources, left and right. Information–the first line of defense!

Listen Here:  [ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”” skin=”regular” align=”none”]

Reid Recommends You Read These Books–Be Informed!


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Tell them you heard it on On the Right Side with Reid Lance Rosenthal


Listen To Reid’s Shows on Obama Czars!

Flashback 2005: Democrats AGAINST Nuclear Option:



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