But regardless of the reason for their visits to the signings, I have been afforded a rare insight into the collective minds of Americans of all ages, genders, and political persuasions. It has been insightful, and today I am going to share my observations of what Mr. and Mrs. America think about the current sorry state of affairs. Makes me proud to be an American, and renews my deep faith in the common sense of the Americans that matter–those who work, produce, believe in freedom and have deep faith in this country, though perhaps little in the government.
Important Articles You Must Read:
Domestic Matters and Politics
Security and Family Safety
Women and Family Issues
Constitutional Matters
Regional, States and Local
ISIS developing means to ‘blow up’ a US city
US Military Officials: ISIS Has ‘Incredible Fighters’
Report: White House Cannot Decide on ISIS Threat Level
The Jihadi Serial Killer no One’s Talking About
Ex-CIA Officer: ‘There Are ISIS Sleeper Cells In This Country‘
The Fate of the West
10 Acts of Jihad in America That Americans Haven’t Heard About
ISIS Ready to Attack… in Chicago? Video
Intelligence Chairman on ISIS: ‘They Are One Plane Ticket Away’
Lt. General Calls for DEFCON 1 Over ISIS 9/11 Threat (Video)
Hamas begs Obama to stop ‘holocaust’ in Gaza
TSA Now Admits Illegals Fly With No ID
ISIS is ISLAM & I Am The Infidel!
Joint Chiefs Chair: ‘Open Borders and Immigration Issues’ Make ISIL ‘Immediate Threat’
Budget, Economy and Finance
Energy and Employment
Gun Control
Voter Fraud
Obama IRS deceit: Lois Lerners emails not lost or missing
IRS Answers Due Today In Lawsuit Over Missing Lerner Emails
Fraud in plain view
Obama’s Conflict of Interest – State Department Buying His Books
Israel Takes Out Hamas Chief Financial Officer, Car Filled with US Dollars. (Video)
Judge rejects Obama administration secrecy on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
Obama Hatches Plan to Explode Welfare
Hillary Clinton
Fun Stuff
I am going to say some positive words now. Great voice this week. a few octaves lower, very nice. great compliments go to you that you had so much positive feedback in all your areas, books, radio, and just being you. So much has happened this week, I reconnected with a few graduates and they are either so pro obama to the other side and I bet the reunion was fun? Love Blackfoot Idaho, One of my favorite stops when I head for family. Thanks again for all you do. Roberta
My pleasure Roberta, and I am glad my thoughts trigger a few on your part. As for the lower voice (laughing)…try talking to five or six thousand folks over a ten day period 🙂 I was fortunate to have any voice!