Have You Heard About The Refugees?…Nobel Peace Prize Remorse…The Shemitah and the Four Blood Moons…The Global Economy Spelled Unstable.

The last time we had a full convergence of the four blood moons and the Shemitah was 1929–partial convergences in, for instance 2000, and 2007?  Coincidence?  Or a continuation of an eerie, ancient economic and war pattern since tracking began back in the 1700’s? Barry and his Nobel Prize–oh!  Now it […] READ MORE»

Healthcare Wrap Up, Interest Rates to Rise? What Do Obama and Progressives Have Planned for You? What Can You Do About It?

Healthcare wrap up, interest rates to rise? What about inflation?  Housing? The international scene–it is not just the middle east…though Iran is now a bigger problem than before the so-called “agreement”…the enmity of China…our economy–where is it really headed? Reid’s bullet point summaries of the state of the world, how […] READ MORE»

We Know The Problems–Money Corruption, Economy, Islamic Jihad, A Gov. We Can’t Trust, Tax Code, Debt, Deficit, Education, Immigration, social issues (Gay, Women’s, PC, Health) And More. Reid’s Suggested Solutions: Simple, Common Sense Always Conquers The Complex–Part One

For the last six months Reid has brought you dozens of interviews with prominent national and international experts on terror, health care, foreign policy, the economy, monetary policy–both international and domestic–ideology, debt, deficit, government waste, executive orders, and the knowing untruths fed you by an intentional administration and a compliant press. With […] READ MORE»