Tax Info–Obamacare Falsehood Nonsense (Never Ending)…Reid’s podcast Is A Barn Burner–They Lie To Us About Their Concerns For The Middle Class, And Then Shaft Us Every Time. Our Title? Gullible Bitter Clingers.

You wanted tax info, and now you have it–and Barry has more panned–cause you and he are good buddies, don’t you see. He needs your wallet and your property to buy the votes of his base,!…Lots of International (pathetic) , articles, and some little known facts, ladies about you, and your […] READ MORE»

Don’t Miss Reid’s Podcast–The linkage Between Obama/Biden’s Insistence That It Is Ok To Not Work At The Expense Of Others and The USA Getting It’s Butt Kicked All Over the Globe

And, as always a wealth of articles, particularly in the women and family, (more incredible stories on the economy and its effect on you–and education’s lack of common sense–or is it part of plan?) military (more shaft to vets and currently serving, and laying ourselves bare to the wolves of the world), […] READ MORE»

Attack On the Middle Class-Unanimously Voted For By Dems At Fed And State Level, And Directed, Intentionally By The White House And Their Progressive Minions

A slew of articles, with heavy concentration on finance and economy, military, and women/family this week. You military folks?  They are playing with your family, your financial security and your pay/benefits. Obamacare continues its disintegration, and they continue to lie, lie, lie about it—read the latest below.  You ladies and […] READ MORE»

Reid’s Podcast: The Disturbing Dots of a Plan for Tyranny…All Facts/You Connect…

 And articles galore–see Constitution and scandal as tie-ins to Reid’s thoughts this day after Valentine’s Day…and loads of military articles this week on a wide range of subjects…Iranian warships off our coast–check out International…and gutless wonders in our government–see Politics and Domestic. More lies on Obamacare…Things are happening in the […] READ MORE»

CONTEMPT, DERISION, TRUTH—The Essence Of Reid’s Podcast, And The Content Of The Many Great, Hard To Find Articles Below—And Don’t Miss The Videos

Truth is, after watching again the entire Obama/O’Reily interview (all 20 minutes posted here) I am so disgusted, so angry, and yes–as Harry Potter would say, stupefied, that I will let that interview, Obama’s “answers”, body language and continuation of frauds ALREADY CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN TO BE UNTRUE, speak for themselves. […] READ MORE»

Reid’s Podcast Takes On Obama’s Speech–What You Have Not Heard Elsewhere…The Military Gets Kicked Again…More Unpleasant Obama Does Not Care Surprises…Must Reads For Women…Your Retirement at Risk…International Monetary Systems Begin Unraveling

And the news just keeps rolling in–most of it you have not heard, some of it yet to happen, and some contained in warnings by Reid more than a year ago. Obama’s State of the Union–if America was a tooth, he would root for the decay–lies and omissions, all of them […] READ MORE»