The Secret Behind The Fall Of Ramadi, And ISIS’s Brilliant Strategy…And The Tie-in To Today–71st Anniversary Of D-Day…What The Greatest Generation Left Us, VS What We Are Leaving Our Kids– Can You Spell Dishonor?

  Ramadi is not “just a set back”, nothing “to set your hair on fire about”, a “reversible bump in the road”…all the crap you have been fed by the White House, Democrats, and unfortunately, some in the Pentagon. It is far more than that, and no–it ain’t about oil […] READ MORE»

Reid’s Podcast Takes On Obama’s Speech–What You Have Not Heard Elsewhere…The Military Gets Kicked Again…More Unpleasant Obama Does Not Care Surprises…Must Reads For Women…Your Retirement at Risk…International Monetary Systems Begin Unraveling

And the news just keeps rolling in–most of it you have not heard, some of it yet to happen, and some contained in warnings by Reid more than a year ago. Obama’s State of the Union–if America was a tooth, he would root for the decay–lies and omissions, all of them […] READ MORE»