Reid and Dr Tawfik Hamid, a Mid East native and well known expert, have an alarming–and fascinating–in depth discussion of the Mid East and Egypt–hot emotions, crazy rhetoric, bewildering politics, frightening ideology and sinister intent. Obama and the US blew it. Our mistakes–or politically motivated missteps at the expense of America’s security—in policies from a White House, administration, and Government infiltrated with Muslin Brotherhood members and disciples some of whom Tawfik courageously calls out by name–might be partially correctable.–but only if we change direction, and understand and admit the threats and consequences of our past “mistakes”.
[ca_audio url=”″ width=”400″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]
For more on Dr Tawfik Hamid, visit his website.
Muslim Brotherhood in the White House
Bob Beauprez | Jan 17, 2013
A recently published report by Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine identifies six American Islamist activists that are connected to the Obama Administration as Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy.
The Dec. 22 story suggests that the influence of these six MB operatives is “tantamount to a turning point for the Obama administration from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the world as well.”
The article was translated in full (read here) and separately summarized by John Rossomando of the Investigative Project on Terrorism (here). Founded in 1995, IPT is considered by many to be among the world’s most comprehensive data centers on radical Islamic terrorist groups.
The following is from Rossomando’s text: (Read More)
Update on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood:
Cables Show State Department Disregarded Muslim Brotherhood Threat

Traitorous U.S. Foreign Policy Supports The Violent Growth Of Islam
by John DeMayo
Contrary to our propagandist in charge, the United States is still at war with the most dangerous ideology since that of Hitler’s Germany. All over the world, armies of Islamic jihadists are recruiting martyrs, training armies and executing violent aggression—funded by some Muslim benefactor—against vulnerable nations ripe for subjugation. The United Nations continues to provide cover for Muslim extremist government takeovers while our President not only refuses to engage our enemies but sends them American made weapons.
Obama’s romantic support for the “Muslim Spring” has predictably empowered the destabilizing of U.S anti-terrorism allies and replaced their leadership with radical enemies of Israel and America. Islamist diplomats have been welcomed into U.S. inner circles to aid strategic changes to our nation benefiting the toleration and growth of Sharia and Islamist influences in our U.S. government and culture. (Read more here)
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