Reid With George Noory From Coast to Coast AM Radio — Agenda 21. Your Real Estate and Property Rights — You Won’t like “Their” Plans for Your Assets. Links to Reid’s Detroit Shows 18 Months Ago – HE GOT IT RIGHT!

Reid was honored to be George Noory’s guest two weeks ago on Coast to Coast AM Radio for a two-hour interview. The call-ins were terrific and the discussion on Agenda 21 and other local, state, federal, and International grabs for your property and property rights hair raising. This is a […] READ MORE»

Codex Alimentarius’ Meeting on Veterinary Residues in Foods

By Katherine Carroll, NTP Minneapolis, Minnesota is the hosting City for Codex Alimentarius’ meeting on Veterinary Residues in Foods during the last week of August 2013. The National Health Federation, NHF will be there attending  not only the plenary session but the working group on the Guidelines on Risk Management […] READ MORE»

Xander Dal Riata, Full Spectrum Dominance–This Vet, Student of Ancient History/Economics Perspective of America as Part of the World–and What We Can Expect by 2040-Will Blow Your Mind, a website that enjoys 40-50 million hits per month, three quarters of them from around the globe–a website that is the supreme news feed for news service from the obscure to mainstream media across the planet. It’s founder? Xander or “X” Dal Riata is a vet, injured on active […] READ MORE»