New Years! Time For Reid’s 2014 Forecast! He Has Been Uncannily Accurate In His Projections–You May Not Like These…And The Dems War on Women, The Military, The Truth, Your Pocketbook, And The Constitution

New-Year-AheadReid uncorks on his prophecies for 2014. Unfortunately, his projections of the last years, well in advance of MSM on the Detroit Bankruptcy, the economy, terror, international events, European insolvency, domestic politics, Obamacare and a host of other sordid contemporary events, has been right on. You might be wishing he is far are from correct on this set of predictions. And a host of articles here at the turn of the year–Military and veteran pay and benefits cuts (while no cuts for illegals)…the Dems keep firing those salvos at women–and one story in particular is a poster boy for who is really waging combat against females and trying to brainwash your kids…news no one is telling, but certainly needs watching on the international front…and the rumbling of future terror grows louder, even as the administration–once again lying to the American people–downplays the whole shebang…and what would a collection of articles be right now without the latest in the Greek Tragedy of your health, pocket book, and family called Obamacare (aptly renamed by Reid from this show forward as Obama Does Not Care). Dark math on the economic front–do they really think we don’t have calculators?? And some chilling tales from cities and state around the country that will have your head shaking–hopefully NOT precursors of more upside down policy at the national level. Finally–look for immigration to heat up as the Dems try desperately to distract–here are some articles to start getting you ready for the forthcoming faux pas. A Happy New Years to All our listeners–happy, healthy and smiling. Thanks for all your great support over this past year!

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2 Responses to “New Years! Time For Reid’s 2014 Forecast! He Has Been Uncannily Accurate In His Projections–You May Not Like These…And The Dems War on Women, The Military, The Truth, Your Pocketbook, And The Constitution”

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  1. Roberta L Wood says:

    Hey Reid;
    Good talk, You are scareing me and make me wonder if what I am about to do is right; I am quiting my job; I got really sick and lost a third of my lungs, I cant move like I use to.. The Dr.s want me home and not working so I can heal. They say I cant get back the part that I lost. I have never smoked but this infection did me in.. I have worked outside of the home for over 45 years, I started at a very young age. I don’t have insurance and definataly can’t afford Obama care. I have to give notice next week and now I have more concerns then before. My family are worried if I keep working that I wont be around long but when I get better I hope someone will remember what a good people person I really am and will give me a chance. I do thank you for makeing me think for myself but I wish I had the answers if not for everyone just me would be a good start;
    Don’t ever stop informing us, it is truely appreciated;
    Love, Roberta

    • Reid says:

      So sorry to hear about that lung problem, Roberta. You need coverage of some type. It does not have to be through Obama Does Not Care. Call your STATE medicaid office and see if you qualify–ain’t the best, but far better than nothing. And call a private broker you trust and see what is out there in terms of catastrophic coverage via private policy. You might be surprised at cost if not through the federal exchanges–way lower driving around the Obama Does Not Care wreck. His illegal finagling with the law has created many loopholes you might be able to exploit, even if for the relative short term . Check them out! And my thoughts are not meant to scare–they ARE intended to inform, provoke thought, and hopefully motivate folks to prepare and think ahead–outside the box. Happy New Year!

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