VA, EPA – Life, Death, Property, and Freedom

[ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”” skin=”regular” align=”none”]  Important Articles You Must Read: ObamaCare Obamacare Rule: Dump Employees Onto Exchanges, Face Big Taxes Another Obamacare Rule Change To Improve The Law For Americans 2014 Democrats Drunk Illegal Alien Who Killed Cop Qualified for Obama Amnesty Death Panels? Unilateral Non Resuscitation at Mass.General since […] READ MORE»

Tyranny At The Department Of The Interior

When the Department of Justice shut out New Mexico Congressman Steve Pearce from a ranchers-v-feds mediation last week, it was a startling snub to both state interests and congressional oversight. The executive branch does not get to use the chief law enforcement office to impose controversial endangered species rules on […] READ MORE»

What Does Memorial Day Mean To You?

Memorial Day is a US federal holiday wherein the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces are remembered. The holiday, which is celebrated every year on the final Monday of May, was formerly known as Decoration Day and originated after the American Civil War […] READ MORE»

The VA Mess —Dishonor And The Dollar—What It All Means Big Picture…Just the Tip Of The Iceberg, And The US Dollar Is The Titanic

What does it say when a society can not take care of it’s warriors, breaching a sacred trust and promise? Or when that societies’ “leaders” pound their chests about all the money they have thrown at a long known problem they profess to be surprised with? And what does a bloated bureaucracy, […] READ MORE»

South Africa’s Agenda 21 Quagmire Is America’s Emerging Future

Posted on May 15, 2014 by Dave Hodges South Africa has it all, rewilding, UNESCO’s Education for All which has dumbed downed an entire population, prohibition to thin out forests which leads to massive flooding, protection of endangered species resulting in private property forfeiture, job promotions and school admissions based upon mindless racial quota systems, policies supportingdepopulation and the installation of a system […] READ MORE»

500 Million For New Office Furniture–59% of budget to Administrative Costs, But No Care For Vets–Welcome to Obama’s VA…And Why Does A Cab Driver In The Islands No Longer Want to Emigrate To The USA?

The answers, my friends, are blowing in the wind–and disclosed in this weeks show and articles. [ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”” skin=”regular” align=”none”]  Important Articles You Must Read: ObamaCare Busted: Cruz Lists Obama Admin’s Lawless Actions in Legal Limit Reports Sources: Sebelius Now Refusing To Testify Before Senate Panel Uh oh: House […] READ MORE»