ISIS…IRS…The Border…Benghazi…VA…Feeling Bewildered? Numb? Hopeless? You Are Supposed To–Gets You Off The Track Of The Far Bigger Picture: The Inexorable Result of These–And Other Matters Hidden By The Clutter

What should we think of men and women behind these acts, lack of acts, fraud, treason and criminality–or of the acts, lies and incredulous cover ups aided and abetted almost unanimously by entrenched Democrats and Progressives at every level of state and Federal government?  We aren’t supposed to–we are meant […] READ MORE»

Lost Emails, Isis, The Border–All Linked And Sure Fire Recipe For Domestic Disaster. And Backed By Nearly Every Democrat in every State Legislature, The House, And The Senate.

Are these the folks you want running the country, keeping your family safe, and safeguarding your rights? How about you gals? You comfortable with folks who slather and dather and cow tow to those who brutally enforce sharia law on women of a dozen countries? Machiavelli, a great European philosopher […] READ MORE»

Radical Islam, National Security and Treason

This show will make you think–guaranteed. Events are exploding on the world stage, floundering into dark morass in the domestic arena and moving with bewildering rapidity as this administration purposely appears to stumble from one fiasco to another. The key word is “appears”. A mirage of incompetence and professed lack […] READ MORE»