The leopard is showing his spots. 1.6 trillion in new taxes in January. Another trillion in taxes now proposed. Absolutely nothing done on spending. No budget. Expansion of entitlements from free phones to child tax credits for foreign children of illegal immigrants, cozy with socialist leaders around the globe, promoting United Nations globalism over United States sovereignty, gun control, anti-business regulation and tax. Why? Because he was trained! You will be shocked by what Kengor, award winning, best selling, author of numerous books, contributor to national magazines and newspapers, and frequent guest on all the major networks, has unearthed. Maybe more than startled–try chilled. Seems Davis, from Hawaii and Chicago (sound familiar?), is referenced as a primary Obama mentor–later to be replaced by the Rev Jeremiah Wright, by Obama himself, no less than 22 times in print–but his name has been scrubbed from Obama’s ebooks. Unfortunately, that is not all. Paul’s extensive research has uncovered who else in the white house share’s Marshall as mentor. Absolutely chilling when the dots are connected.
2 Responses to “The REAL Obama is Showing! Buy Why?–Paul Kengor, author of “The Communist”–Will Tell You About Obama’s Self-Admitted Primary Mentor–Frank Davis Marshall, Head Honcho of the US Commie Party”
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Excellent!! Thank was very informative!! Keep it coming ~ looking forward to the next show!! LD Bowman
Paul does rock, lisa–right up there in my opinion with the best of the best in investigative journalism, including woodward…the what he uncovered is chilling–but fits the reality we are seeing in presidential acts and lack of acts like a glove.