You wanted tax info, and now you have it–and Barry has more panned–cause you and he are good buddies, don’t you see. He needs your wallet and your property to buy the votes of his base,!…Lots of International (pathetic) , articles, and some little known facts, ladies about you, and your children…the military continues to be Barry’s whipping boy, even while he lies to them and us about his empathy for those in uniform. Conclusion? We are all bitter clingers who know nothing, and presumed stupid enough to not compare his talk with his walk. This ought to open your eyes! And Book 3 coming at ya–480 pages of tension, history, brave men and women of uncommon culture, on Amazon,, etc. some truly great ebook prices/fun contests/wonderful prizes…and great discounts on the paper coming in a week or so
[ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”” skin=”regular” align=”none”]
Click here to listen to Reid’s Show on what Obamacare is really going to cost you!
Important Articles You Must Read:
Budget allots $5.5B for ObamaCare program decried as a ‘bailout’
Expected: WH to Extend Obamacare ‘Fix’ to Help Panicked Democrats Survive 2014
Breaking News: If You Like Your Healthcare Plan, You Can Keep It…..
HHS: We need $1.8B to run Obamacare portal
More Delays for Obamacare, Due to… Midterm Elections
‘Single Women With Children in a Dead-End Job’ Can Quit Because of Obamacare
Obama Admin: Two Thirds of Small Businesses to See Premiums Spike Under Obamacare
Obamacare Exchange Enrolls Illegal Aliens
Domestic Matters and Politics
Update: Your Calls Made the Difference
Pro-Gun Connecticut Republican Unseats Anti-Gun Democrat After 40 Years of Control
Senate blocks Obama’s civil rights nominee
Hillary Clinton: The Butcher of Benghazi?
Black Pastors Seek 1 Million Signatures to Impeach Holder
The Washington Beltway: Sinkhole for Donors’ Funds
Check out “Senate Dems to skip 2015 budget
Lesbian Denied Haircut by Male Muslim Barbers
Boxer: ‘Absolutely No Way We’re Going to Cut Spending’
Putin Economic Adviser Warns Russia Will Sell U.S. Bonds And “Crash” US Financial System
Iranian general: Obama’s threats are ‘the joke of the year
PALESTINIANS: Netanyahu’s AIPAC End of Peace Talks
What a Reporter Told John Kerry About Putin Surprised Him So Much He Had to Ask If It Was True
Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine
China ups military spend by 12 percent. Are the gloves coming off?
Judge Jeanine: Obama The Paper Tiger Is Embarrassing and Endangering Americans
Dangerous Times: Putin slaps down Euro-American Fantasyland
China Allows First Corporate Bond Default
Iranian president, regime officials threaten ‘defensive’ missile attacks against West
Karzai to White House: ‘Give them my anger’
Netanyahu pushes back against Obama
Feds Provide Billions to UAE Airline that Removed Israel From Its Maps
Russia And China Stand In Agreement On Ukraine
Russia to Ukraine: Surrender or Face Military Assault
Russia Denies Ultimatum to Ukraine as Ruble Drops to Record Low
Women and Family Issues
Shocking 180 in the Case of German Home-Schooling Family: They Can Stay!
Bash Obama on Facebook? Be afraid, very afraid
Obamacare Employee Accidentally Sends Out 2,400 Social Security Numbers
More than 1 MILLION students stopped buying school lunches after Michelle Obama’s overhaul
Supreme Court: No Right to Social Security
‘Single Women With Children in a Dead-End Job’ Can Quit Because of Obamacare
Judge Jeanine Pirro – Push To Silence Obamacare Critics? – Sen Reid Under Fire For Shocking Remarks
2.5 Million Students Now in Charter Schools
Electronic Tolling Could Replace Gasoline Tax
Planned Parenthood Offers Bondage, SM Training for Teens
Obama Admin: Two Thirds of Small Businesses to See Premiums Spike Under Obamacare
Awful Democrat Tries To Silence Cancer Patient on ObamaCare
Warren Buffett Warns of Major Pension Crisis for Next Decade
American Universities: Lying on Research and Protecting Liberal Opinion
Over-The-Counter Baby-“Punishment” Pardons For Girls & Sexual Molesters Of Any Age
The Affordable Care Act Makes Needed Drugs Unaffordable
One in Three Americans Hurt By Obamacare, Majority Want Free-Market Solution
American Universities: Lying on Research and Protecting Liberal Opinion
Constitutional Matters
Gowdy, Issa, and Goodlatte Introduce Bill to Stop Executive Overreach
GOP bill authorizes lawsuits against Obama
Counting Down Obama’s Worst Executive Actions
Congress’ Real Problem: They’re Letting Regulators Become Legislators
Orthodontist Sues President Obama for Bypassing Congress to Make Changes to Obamacare
Regional, States and Local
He Was Supposed to Be Cheering Them on, but What the Runners Did for This WWII Vet Is Incredible
Military hiring Muslim Brotherhood chaplains – AGAIN
China ups military spend by 12 percent. Are the gloves coming off?
Runners Give Spontaneous Tribute To 95 Year Old WWII Vet Who Came To Cheer
Obama Considers Giving 13,000 Military Assault Vehicles to Police Depts After Military Cuts
U.S. Military Hires Muslim Brotherhood-tied Chaplains
Chuck Hagel’s Defense Cuts Are Smoke And Mirrors
All 50 Governors Battle Proposed National Guard Cuts
Iranian general: Obama’s threats are ‘the joke of the year
Military hiring Muslim Brotherhood chaplains – AGAIN
Obama budget carves out $1.5 billion for Syria
Islam In Our Government: Muslims Get Their Own Official Caucus On Capitol Hill Backed By Obama
Lesbian Denied Haircut by Male Muslim Barbers
The Jizya – Christians Submitting To Islamic Taxes
U.S. Lt. General: Muslim Brotherhood has Infiltrated Pentagon in “High Security Clearance” Positions
Co Conspirators in 9/11 Attack: Saudi Royals and Iranian Mullahs
Budget, Economy and Finance
Energy and Employment
Gun Control
Huge majorities support national gun registry
Connecticut Gun Group Issues Ultimatum to Government
Sounds Like You’re Anti-American – I’m the Master
Ohio Fifth-Grader Suspended for Exposing Other Students to a ‘Level 2 Lookalike Firearm’ (Guess What It Was)
Fed-Up Navy Veteran Forewarned Conn. Lawmakers on Gun Registration: ‘I’m Telling You Right Now, I Will Not Comply’
Pro-Gun Connecticut Republican Unseats Anti-Gun Democrat After 40 Years of Control
Unconstitutional Background Check Database Could Help Police Confiscate Firearms
Will China Ban Knives after 33 People Knifed to Death?
New Jersey Gun Law Would Turn Your .22 Into An ‘Assault Weapon’ And You Into A Felon
Video: Texas Cop Encourages Open Carry Activists
Obama Renews Gun Control Push
Lois Lerner Fears for her Life if She Testifies at Wednesday’s Oversight Hearing
IRS Official Lois Lerner Pleads The Fifth, Dismissed From Scandal Hearing
Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine
The Washington Beltway: Sinkhole for Donor Funds
Hillary Clinton: The Butcher of Benghazi?
Black Pastors Seek 1 Million Signatures to Impeach Holder
Benghazi was a planned tragedy
CIA Official Lied to Congress About Benghazi as Cover for Obama?
Greenpeace Co-Founder: ‘No Scientific Proof’ of Manmade Global Warming
The Air Force One Income Gap
Putin Humiliates Obama In Ukraine
Feds Provide Billions to UAE Airline that Removed Israel From Its Maps
Obama shoved to sidelines as Russia ignores U.S. threats of isolation
Kerry, Climate & Keystone
Michelle to Take Week-Long Trip to China
One Response to “Tax Info–Obamacare Falsehood Nonsense (Never Ending)…Reid’s podcast Is A Barn Burner–They Lie To Us About Their Concerns For The Middle Class, And Then Shaft Us Every Time. Our Title? Gullible Bitter Clingers.”
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