The Oath Keepers. Fringe? Wacky? Or Absolutely Mainstream And Dedicated To The Constitution And The Oath To Uphold It? And Their Founder, Stewart Rhodes? A Radical? Or Brilliant Yale Trained Constitutional Scholar?

You NEED to know about this main stream media maligned outfit, particularly at this time of hysterical cries for gun control. This group of 22,000 core, dues paying members–all military and/or law enforcement–and another several hundred thousand like-minded military and law enforcement proponents could well be one of the most important […] READ MORE»

Ted Nugent in a Pure Nugent Interview. Join Reid and Ted for This Free Ranging Rocky Mountain Exclusive–Guns, Rights, Values, Involvement, Debt, Deficit, Obama And Lifestyle!

Reid Lance Rosenthal and Ted Nugent–two freedom loving free thinkers! They agree on much, but not on all. There is little they don’t discuss–rip roaring commentary on the entitlement mentality, and the politicians who take your money to buy the votes of others at the expense of future generations, and want your […] READ MORE»

GUN CONTROL–The Answer? Startling Domestic/International Stats From Reid–And What The Media And The Politicians Are Not Telling YOU. Way More Happening Than Guns!…And Balanced Approach In The Fiscal Cliff Non Deal? How About 41 Dollars In Tax (from your pocket, middle class) To One Dollar in Spending Cuts?

There is a very big picture to this anti-gun hysteria so opportunistically being used by the left and heralded by much of the press. It has to do with globalism, socialism, power, the constitution, and the last line of defense for America and the world–the 130 million folks who own […] READ MORE»