Do Your Eyes Glaze at “QE3?? Do You Pooh Pooh The Federal Reserve And The ECB (European Central Bank)? Don’t. Their “New” Policy Is A Bigger Theft From Your Pocket Than the $1+ Trillion Looming In Tax Increases 3 Months From Now…And 2 Disturbing Articles–Failure, Futility, and Revolution. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThink the Fed is some distant,, shadowy, financial beasty that has no impact on you and your family? And that ECB “over there in Europe”–that’s too far away to affect you? Wrong, Very wrong. And if you are middle class, doubly wrong. […] READ MORE»

YET ANOTHER INTERVIEW WITH A NATIONAL FIGURE! Reid’s First of Two interviews with Ed Klein, Noted Journalist, Former Editor of Newsweek, #1 NYT Best Selling Author of “The Amateur”. Reid And Ed Don’t Agree On Everything! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSEd Klein spent years researching Obama’s political links and motivations–including his very rocky relationship with the Clintons–and Bill Clinton’s contempt for Obama (something Bill forgot to mention in the political quid pro quo speech he gave for Barry at the Dem national […] READ MORE»

DON’T MISS Reid’s First of Two interviews with Dinesh D’Souza, King College President, Frequent Controversial Guest on CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC–and more–#1 Best Selling NYT Author of Obama’s America–Director of Movie 2016, Now the #2 documentary ever….. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSDinesh has spent years researching the WHY of Obama’s attack on American values, his rail against “the 1%”, his engineering our diminished presence in the world, and his loathing of Israel and Britain–born of background and world view– Dinesh’s research was in […] READ MORE»

DON’T MISS Reid’s Interviews with NYT Best Selling Authors on Obama–Starting This Week–Brenda Elliot, Co-author With Aaron Kline of “Fool Me Twice”…You Won’t Like What Barry Has Planned For You In His Second Term! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSReid interviews Brenda Elliot, noted researcher, NYT best selling author, and co-author of “Fool Me Twice” with WABC and WND renowned, and New York Times best selling author Aaron Kline. Hear how Obama intends to accelerate the diminishment of America–smaller, poorer and […] READ MORE»

Plight of the Middle Class…Obama Crows About GM? Here Are The Facts–An Abject Failure…Entitlement–The Pervasive Cancer…The Regulatory Cliff…5.29 TRILLION In US Debt Held By Foreigners…Tips For Mitt Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSObama lauds his GM bailout? With hundreds of thousands of dealership job losses, tens of thousands of non union workers losing their pensions, and GM headed toward bankruptcy again–despite YOUR Government (that’s YOU) buying $2.7 billion in cars from themselves…Obama delays over […] READ MORE»

Noodling Catfish Equals Paul Ryan…Detroit–Foreshadow of America and the World…Dark Dots (DHS ammo, domestic military, purposeful racial incitement)…Corn Power…and Tips For Mitt Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSAhh the look on the liberal TV interviewer’s face when Ryan talked of noodling catfish, and other down home stuff. The promised ugly description of Detroit–the legacy of failed government involvement, control and wasted funds, with predictably disastrous results–so disastrous your eyes […] READ MORE»