Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSDon’t think they want to control–or worse–your land and more? Hair raising stories of prosecution of unpasteurized milk, folks prosecuted by government for collecting rainwater in permitted ponds on their own land, farmers forced to shoot their whole brood of pigs–even piglets. […] READ MORE»
First Part of Voter Fraud–The plans To steal This and Future Elections…A Few Of Obama’s Second Terms Plans For You…Get Prepared–Some Tips On Feeding the Family If Bad Things Happen–And Tips for Mitt Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSYes, one vote counts. After the fact, we learn Al Franken really LOST his senatorial election by 300 votes. But, too late–his was the 60th vote for Obamacare. This is the foundation for upcoming shows–the problems with electronic ballot boxes, now owned […] READ MORE»
Your 401k and IRA–They Want It–And They Mean To Have It! And Things You Did Not Know On Europe and the US Deficit–No Spin–Just Facts Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSEurope Craters, Public Pensions 4.6 Trillion Short–Your 401k/IRA Are Tempting Targets–Bills Aimed At That 8.9 Trillion From a Government Hungry For Cash/Control, More on The UN Arms Treaty–and Immigration Tips For Mitt…Even the head cheeses in Europe and the markets have lost […] READ MORE»
Do Desperate People Do Desperate Things? Think Governments Are Any Different? Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSTake the fiscal woes of the United States, mix in the insatiable need politicians have to spend more and more money in lock step with their attempt to raise additional revenues through all manners and types of tax and fees, combine the […] READ MORE»
“Transparency”, “5 Million New Jobs”, “Halve the Federal Deficit”, “Unite America”, “5.7% Unemployment by 2012?. “No Middle Class Taxes”. Just Some of Obama’s 2008/2009 Promises–Now The Results–And The Why Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThen, the current double down of feigned concern about the deficit, debt, middle class, and jobs are his buzz words–but his actions are executive privilege, stonewalling congress, no budgets, more than 900 secretive Executive Orders in 40 months, the largest tax increase […] READ MORE»
“If You Earn Less Than $250,000 It Won’t Cost You One Dime”. Barrack Obama, Repeatedly, 2009/2010. What did that Congressman Shout Out During The 2010 Sate of The Union? “YOU LIE”. He Was Right. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSIn fact, what Obama told us with lofty oratory was not even close. And he, Nancy, and Harry knew it. In the process they lied even to their own party. Call it a tax-call it a penalty, who cares. It is $700 […] READ MORE»