THINK THEY WANT YOUR GUNS? THEY DO. AND YOUR WATER, TOO! More Fun From President Narcissist (don’t think he is? You may change your mind!) Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSJoin Reid for some eye opening discussions–a prelude to future shows–on gun control. Listen to the words of the anti gun forces, including Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (formerly the less warm and fuzzy Coalition to Ban Handguns)–folks “should not resist” if […] READ MORE»

Ominous Lines Are Converging. If, Or When They Intersect There Will Be Unpleasant Consequences. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSJoin Reid for an update on the meltdown in Europe still barely being covered by mainstream press. Listen to his thoughts on the second converging line–the real domestic economy. And listen to one of the more detailed descriptions you might’ve ever heard […] READ MORE»

Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Obama–They All Liked The Word”Forward”…Let’s Take A Look At The String Of Broken “Forward” Promises! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSObama chooses “Forward” as his campaign slogan. Just like Mao, Lenin, and Stalin–and Wikipedia removes the links to those tie-ins within a day of Comrade Obama’s announcement. To celebrate, our leader makes 160 plus campaign trips–all on our dime at 300k per […] READ MORE»

MORE MAINSTREAM MEDIA CATCHING ON, OR FINDING CAJONES? Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSSuddenly there is again discussion of a European meltdown–first raised right here last week. And, the previously taboo words, “lie” and “communist” and “intentional” have suddenly become part of the descriptions of Obama and entourage in print, ezines and on prime time […] READ MORE»

WHAT THEY TELL YOU ISN’T TRUE–BUT IT’S WHAT THEY ARE NOT SPEAKING OF THAT SHOULD CONCERN YOU. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHear anything about the meltdown in Europe, lately? Nope. The real numbers–irrefutable math behind the class warfare politics of the “Buffet Rule”? Nope. The budget (none for three years) and the national debt? How to solve the economic quagmire of high energy […] READ MORE»

Do You Believe Obama and Crew missteps, Treachery, Narcissistic Election/Campaign Obsession is Inexperience? Mistake? Wrong Steps but Means Well? Don’t Think It’s On purpose? After this Show You Might Think Differently! And Maps of Fate–The adventure and Romance of America, Her People, Her Spirit and the West–Book 2 of the #1 Best Selling, Multiple Award Winning Threads West series releases the 17th! Yep–Reid is excited! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSEver hear of Barack’s left ear? Valerie? Think the “Buffet Rule will pay down one red cent of debt? Or that a ten buck a on the charge for contraceptives is the real issue? You believe we only have 2% of the […] READ MORE»