Stop Big Box Bad Land Use! You CAN do it! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSIt is happening everywhere–Land use that breaks people, communities, and town coffers. If it has not happened yet to your community–it will! Guaranteed. Downtowns decimated, businesses closed, congestion, traffic and layer upon layer of unneeded poorly planned Big Box retail development. That […] READ MORE»

Hidden votes, midnight regulations, do as I say, not as I do on Cape Cod…Sound Familiar? It is. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS The last three Land Patriot shows have been from the vast lands of the Western states. They have revealed startling intrusions by government at all levels into private land, the land rights of Westerners affecting the rights and pocket books of all […] READ MORE»

Think Europe is Far Away–Doesn’t Matter–Simply That Continent Across the Sea? Wrong. The Countries There are The States Here…Greece is California. Some Scary Facts/Figures They Have Not Told You, and What happens When the Entitlement Rubber Meets the Reality Road at the Municipal Level. Not a Forecast–It is Happening Now Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThe PIGS in Europe (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) are countries that have gone broke via loss of production, growth in government and out of control entitlement–pensions, pay, welfare, health care. The countries over on the continent are to the European Union what […] READ MORE»

The Masters of Distraction–Think Occupy Wall Street, The Iraq Pull out, The Iranian Terror Plot, and Obama’s “Job” Bill is THE News? Not Hardly. Wait til you hear about the 5 billion to Additional doomed, nepotistic–and Foreign alternative energy firms, the Euro Crisis, and The All Time High “Misery Index.” Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThey must think we are sheep, dumb sheep at that. They have certainly fleeced us for decades, and the fleecing not only continues unabated, but at an accelerating pace. Think Solyndra, LightSquared, and Lightsource–to name a few–have nothing to do with elections, […] READ MORE»

Take off Your Slippers, Put on Your Marching Boots” Shouted Obama. And, They Did. Cast Your Normalcy Bias Aside–What is the Occupy Wall Street Movement–and what does it mean for America, and You? Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSAn unhealthy and unholy alliance is Soros, Unions, Code Pink, the KGB, the Communist and Socialist Parties of America,, the White House and the Progressive (formerly the Democratic) Party. As Van Jones and others of his ilk are fond of saying, […] READ MORE»

Principles OR Obama? Stubborn Support of One Candidate, OR Rescue America from Socialism? The Choice is Almost Upon Us! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSJoin Reid for a discussion of the key problems facing our country – what each of the Republican candidates believes on those subjects, and why their ideas – and personalities- may or may not resonate in November 2012. A frank review of […] READ MORE»