Biden/Harris Campaign Emails

Welcome to the Biden-Harris campaign’s grassroots team. You’re getting this email because you have previously supported Democrats, and your commitment will help us win again in 2024.As Americans, we believe in freedom, liberty, and justice. And we believe that our democracy is only as strong as our willingness to fight for it.So today, I am asking you to join the President and me in the fight for the soul of this nation. It’s going to take all of us to build on the progress we’ve made and keep moving our country forward.Grassroots supporters like you were the backbone of our campaign to take back the White House in 2020. And you have helped power all of the incredible progress we’ve made in the last few years.Now, the President and I are asking for your support once more.Your contributions — no matter how large or small — are so important to building the kind of strong, grassroots campaign that fueled our victory against Trump and MAGA extremism in 2020. Click here to make a donation of any amount to help Joe and me win another four years in the White House and elect Democrats nationwide.If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:$25 >>$50 >>$100 >>$250 >>$500 >>Other >>On the campaign trail, I have the honor and privilege of traveling across our nation to meet Americans from all walks of life working to make a difference.And no matter where I am, I meet so many folks who are optimistic about what is possible when we work together. People who agree that we have so much more in common than what separates us.That’s not the future that Republicans are seeking. MAGA extremists are trying to sow division and are working to take away our fundamental rights. We cannot let them win.You can use this link to make a donation to support our campaign and Democrats across the country >>Thank you for all that you do for our country. I can’t wait to see you out there on the trail.KamalaKamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

Biden-Harris 2024

In just a moment, we are going to ask you to make your first contribution to President Biden’s reelection campaign. Please give us a chance to explain why this request — especially right now — is so important.

Here’s the truth:

June is an FEC fundraising deadline month.

This means that at the end of the month we will be required to report how much money we’ve raised and how many donations we’ve received.

Everyone will be watching — the press, our opponent, and even supporters will be waiting to see the strength of our campaign.

We’ve received a huge number of individual donations so far — people of all backgrounds and from all communities. It’s a big part of how we’ve been able to withstand the millions and millions of dollars Republicans are spending on attack ads.

But today, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris need you. Because this is the most important fundraising deadline of the presidential election yet.

Can President Biden count on you to contribute $5, $10, or whatever you can afford today? The amount doesn’t even matter as much as the donation itself, because it will all add up when we’re in it together.

If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$25 >>
$50 >>
$100 >>
$250 >>
$500 >>
Other >>

Thank you in advance for chipping in. It means a lot to our chances.

Biden HQ

Folks,When you donate to emails like this one, you’re directly powering President Biden’s reelection campaign. You’re helping us put staff on the ground, get ads on the air, and spread our message to voters across the country.You’re pitching in to help save our democracy from Donald Trump.We’re sure you’re getting a bunch of emails from other groups who are using the president’s name to raise money for their own causes. So, we wanted to clear things up:Thisis your official source of grassroots communications for President Biden’s reelection campaign. This is where your hard-earned dollars are put to immediate use to keep our movement running.We know that all eyes have been on us in recent days. But we also know this: President Biden is in this race until the end, and he’s going to win it with grassroots supporters like you by his side.We need you now more than ever, folks.Will you pitch in a direct donation of $25 or more, if you can spare it — to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris and defeat Donald Trump? You’ll be investing your dollar where it will have the biggest impact on protecting our democracy.If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:$25 >>$50 >>$100 >>$250 >>$500 >>Other >>Thank you for standing with the President.Team Biden-Harris
Biden-Harris 2024

Folks — have you heard of Project 2025?

If you haven’t, here’s the deal: Project 2025 is Donald Trump’s extreme and dangerous blueprint for his second term that would give him limitless power over your daily life and let him use the presidency to enact “revenge” on his enemies.

Project 2025 was written for Trump, by those closest to Trump — and it should scare every American.

If you’re still unsure what it means for you and your family, here is a taste of what Project 2025 aims to do:

  • Allow Trump to use the presidency for revenge and retribution and be a “dictator” on day one.
  • Allow Trump to ban abortion nationwide with or without Congress.
  • Allow Trump to repeal Obamacare, ripping health care away from tens of millions of Americans.
  • Allow Trump to slash Social Security and Medicare.
  • Allow Trump to raise costs for workers to line the pockets of his billionaire donors.
  • Allow Trump to abandon our NATO allies and encourage Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
  • And much, much, much more.

Trump is inches away from the White House again, with a plan to gut the very checks and balances this country was built on, in order to undo decades of hard-fought progress.

We can’t afford to leave our future — our children’s future — up to chance. So please:

Will you rush a gift of $25 — the most popular donation amount to emails like this one — to keep Trump and his dangerous Project 2025 agenda out of the Oval Office?

If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$25 >>
$50 >>
$100 >>
$250 >>
$500 >>
Other >>

Look, there’s a very important question we need to ask ourselves. What kind of president do we want for the next four years?

Do we want Donald Trump who is obsessed with the past, consumed by revenge, and proud to be a twice-impeached former president with 34 felony convictions?

Or do we want Joe Biden who has created more jobs than any president in history, passed historic bipartisan gun safety legislation, lowered prescription drug costs, and signed into law once-in-a-generation investments in our nation’s infrastructure?

We think the choice is clear, but we have to remind everyone that Trump is a man who:

  • Promises to be a dictator on “day one” if he wins and claims there will be a “bloodbath” if he loses.
  • Calls for an abortion ban and “some form of punishment” for women who have an abortion.
  • Pledges to enact revenge and retribution on his political opponents.

Folks want an America filled with hope and possibility, not more despair and further division.

Chip in $25 or whatever you can afford today to help us reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and keep Donald Trump and his dangerous Project 2025 agenda out of the White House.

Thank you for believing a better future is possible,

The Biden Campaign

Folks, our democracy has been gravely wounded. Last week, the Supreme Court granted Donald Trump breathtaking immunity from prosecution. This is absurd and dangerous, and there is no basis in the Constitution for this Court-constructed monstrosity.There is no cavalry coming. No miracle solutions or saviors. There is only us, the American people.We bear the responsibility to defend our democracy from Donald Trump.Every generation faces a moment when they are called upon to defend democracy, and this is our moment. I have the utmost faith in my fellow citizens, but polls predict November’s election to be such a nail-biter, it isn’t enough to blindly trust that others will pick up the slack.Whether our democracy endures or crumbles depends on how we respond at this critical moment. Will you chip in $5, or even more to Team Biden-Harris today?If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:$25 >>$50 >>$100 >>$250 >>$500 >>Other >>Let me say one more thing:Donald Trump wreaked havoc during his first term, but he’d cause even more damage in a second after last week’s Supreme Court decision. It doesn’t require speculation — Trump has made his agenda public knowledge. If elected, he plans to…Pardon the rioters of the January 6 insurrection;Enact a national ban on abortion;Further attack all our rights and freedoms — including voting rights and civil rights.One person can single-handedly erode the institutions that we’ve spent generations building up strong.We must not give Trump that opportunity.With that in mind, I hope you will click on your personalized link and make a $25 donation to President Biden’s reelection campaign: donations make the organizing and voter protection work required to stop the MAGA Republicans who endanger our democracy possible.Failure is not an option with our most essential liberties and freedoms on the line. Let’s carry out our historical duty.Thank you,Eric H. Holder, Jr.
82nd Attorney General of the United States
Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee
Biden-Harris 2024

Folks, what the Supreme Court just decided is unprecedented and absolutely dangerous.

?Trump would now be immune for assassinating a political rival.
?Trump would be immune for accepting bribes.
?Trump would be immune for organizing a military coup to hold onto power.

We’re used to saying no person is above the law. Not anymore.

As long as Trump is engaged in “official acts” as president, the Supreme Court says he’d face virtually no chance of prosecution for breaking the law.

It’s NEVER been more important to defeat Donald Trump.

Will you rush a gift of $25 — the most popular donation amount to emails like this one — to keep Trump out of the Oval Office?

If you’ve saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$25 >>
$50 >>
$100 >>
$250 >>
$500 >>
Other >>

If you felt Trump was too extreme before, now he’s emboldened to impose his dangerous, unhinged Project 2025 agenda on every American.

Acting as a dictator.
Punishing women.
Banning our freedoms.

Trump is declaring victory, but the fight isn’t over yet — not by a longshot.

We’re asking President Biden’s top supporters in your area to take a stand against Trump. Will you pitch in $25 to show Donald Trump and the MAGA Right that we won’t let them attack our freedoms >>

Joe Biden is counting on each of us to do our part to defeat Trump.

Thanks for everything,

Team Biden-Harris