Chinese Implosion…Hillary The Ex Nominee …Republicans–If They Do This, They WILL Win…The Candidates–Reid’s Take…Finger Printing for Food in Commie Venzuela…Want to Get Arrested–Talk Guns On the Internet

gop debate

What the Republican strategy ought to be, and who is electable in the big race–waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important than who is ahead in the primaries. A unique view of each candidate–and what should be the Republican Team, rather than the Republican Candidate. It is all about the most conservative person–and the team around them–that CAN be elected, everything else is nonsense. Hillary as the Dem Nominee?  Don’t count on it–Barry and crew have skullduggery afoot, using the FBI, no less. China’s “booming economy? The real stats the commie government in Beijing can’t hide–get ready for a financial tsunami from Asia one of these days. And a scary alert on Obama’s latest underhanded, illegal attack on guns, gun owners and ammo makers. Stand up and shout!

Part 1

Part 2

One Response to “Chinese Implosion…Hillary The Ex Nominee …Republicans–If They Do This, They WILL Win…The Candidates–Reid’s Take…Finger Printing for Food in Commie Venzuela…Want to Get Arrested–Talk Guns On the Internet”

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  1. Jan Mercot says:

    Excellent Radio Show this week. You hit the nail on the head more times than I can think of. You did a really good job of summarizing how the candidates did on the 1st Republican debate; and your thoughts on what the strategy for the party should be in terms of candidates being elected and what their cabinets should look like, was brilliant. As good as your political observation on Venezuela’s current government (elected or not) and its Socialist regime was, it fell a tad short from reality. Things are so bad that in order for women to get basic hygiene products like tampons and sanitary napkins, they need to get a doctor’s prescription (certifying that they indeed have periods) in order to be able to buy them. Crime is rampant and higher than it’s ever been. One of the newest modalities -for those very few that are able to afford going to the movies- is to get robbed and mugged during theatre enforced intermissions. The thought that one day we could become Venezuela, if we continue to allow the type of government that we currently have in place, is truly a sobering one. While Venezuela and the rest of the world could argue that they have an illiterate ex bus driver as a President, who by the way currently speaks with Hugo Chavez reincarnated in the form of a bird, what could ours possibly be?

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