Thanksgiving-2014. Clear And Present Dangers–Health, Safety, Terror, Government Amok, Enemies Abroad. BUT Still Lots To Be Thankful For

The UN (UN???) issues a report on terrorism–almost doubled in the last year, and a fivefold increase since 2000. Ten thousand incidents  in the past year alone. Ebola continues to rage in Africa. Just because it is off the radar screen in the media here, the disease is exponentially ravaging populations else where .Gee–guess we are not “healthier and safer than ever before in history” eh, Barry?  Putin is moving chess pieces, ever more rapidly and aggressively. Targets? NATO, the US, the US dollar and the US economy. And his base of support is about to increase. Mary Landreu is down in Louisiana–but then there is the dem turnout machine, and of course, the dem voter fraud machine. Send Cassiday, her opponent, ten bucks–the election is December 6! Did you know our “el presidente” has proclaimed that Americans should not favor Americans”?  Or, that your tax dollars are headed to the pockets of the five million folks via his illegal executive order?  Woops–you did not hear him say that? Ahhh–such a surprise–NOT. And finally on this Thanksgiving weekend–be grateful–for your health, your family , your close friends, the food in your pantry, the heat in your registers, the foresight of the Founders, and the values, and opportunities being an American uniquely provides.  Happy Thanksgiving!!






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