Deep State Refresher Course… Mueller’s Treachery… See The Articles… International, Women, Treason, and Terror!


It’s the holidays! I’m on the road on book signings… Grand Junction Barnes & Noble today and tomorrow, New Mexico, then Pueblo Barnes & Noble on Thursday, Fort Collins on Friday the 21st, and finishing up the year at Cheyenne Barnes & Noble on the 22nd, Saturday. With travels, and everybody’s holiday schedule including, likely, most of my great listeners, I’m going to point you to the great articles the producers posted this week particularly under treason, terror, women, and International. For a few good laughs, or cries depending on how you look at it, see also loony left.

This is all deep state premeditated chicanery. I have had the producers post the last half of my deep state show almost four years ago. My first mention of the deep state. Unfortunately now all proven true, and worse. The Deep State portion starts at approximately 11:16 and it’s well worth listening to, particularly since I was one of the first in media to ever use the term or bring the swamp to your attention.

I believe this refresher course and reminder is apropos given the shenanigans over the past week, the threats of the Democrats, Mueller’s antics, treacherous wording and highly unusual and unethical major reactions in and of the sentencing memos for Flynn and Cohen designed simply to undermine Trump, or should I say his agenda and all of us who voted for him.

Did you know that Mueller deleted Peter and Lisa text messages from the phones before he gave them to the IG? Did you hear about Comey’s bragging about how he set General Flynn up for a bogus perjury trap? We seriously need a second special counsel to bring these anti-American, treasonous head honchos of the deep state to Justice.

I will be back with full audio your way next week, special emphasis on civilization Jihad with some facts and stories you haven’t heard that will curl your hair… Updated economic news… and a host of other topics ignored or not covered by the mainstream media.

In the meantime have a great weekend and week, on the right side radio listeners, and we’ll talk at you next week. Be sure and check out these articles. You will be better informed them 99% of Americans, unfortunately.

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