The Secret Behind The Fall Of Ramadi, And ISIS’s Brilliant Strategy…And The Tie-in To Today–71st Anniversary Of D-Day…What The Greatest Generation Left Us, VS What We Are Leaving Our Kids– Can You Spell Dishonor?



Ramadi is not “just a set back”, nothing “to set your hair on fire about”, a “reversible bump in the road”…all the crap you have been fed by the White House, Democrats, and unfortunately, some in the Pentagon. It is far more than that, and no–it ain’t about oil and does not really concern land based military strategy. It is about water…and the far reaching ramifications of the brilliant strategy employed by ISIS, under the noses (perhaps condoned by) Obama and crew are coming at the Kurds, the Iraqi’s, the Iranians, and western civilization.  Are those cheers and applause we hear on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

And it all ties into the invasion of Normandy 71 years ago. The blood and courage of the Greatest Generation as they died in red stained waters amidst tangles of barbed wire on Omaha, Gold, Sword, Juno and Utah beaches, mangled in glider crashes on the Orne River, were massacred as they hung helplessly in the black of night from roofs their parachutes had tangled in on the square of St Mere Eglise. They brought to us–their children, the baby boomers-freedom, opportunity, prosperity, values, and a relatively stable world. And what have we done with it? What will the globe be when we hand over the keys to our kids?  Are flat screen TV’s, Bama phones, welfare, food stamps, golf courses, shiny cars, an intensely dangerous, fractured planet, all financed by hundreds of trillions in double layered debt that will come due when we are but dust in the ground to be our legacy? Shame, shame, shame on us, and dishonor to those who crossed the stormy chop of the English Channel, their determination overriding their fear, seventy one years ago today

Part 1

Part 2


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