Feeling Down? Oppressed By Some Mysterious Dark Force/Energy Difficult To Define? Interview of Foster Gamble, Who Pinpoints The Cause and Offers the Solution

Foster Gamble is Producer and Director with wife Kim of “Thrive”, being seen by over 1,000,000 folks monthly world wide http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_movie. . That dark force, uneasy feeling that something is very wrong you have been having?  With painstaking diligence an research, Foster pinpoints the elite globalists and their central banks and printing presses as the Vaders of the age, bent thorough their political puppets, and manipulation of well meaning folks of both left and right, on eliminating sovereignty and individual rights. And their quest has no political persuasion–they want it all, left, right, and center, driven by an insatiable greed and lust for power, using others who share the same sociopathic ambitions to achieve their ends. More importantly, Foster alerts you, again without the politics of left or right, about what we all can do to stem the tide, and reverse the sinister plans of the very very few for the very very many. For every one of them, there are millions of us–but how we go about it, and how quickly we get traction is key.

Don’t miss some great discussions on how to balance clean air, clean water, and the environment with not being used by those employing “green” as a cloak for something far more sinister. How do the concepts of the Founders play into this coming age of individual re-empowerment? This interview might just begin the cure of that queasy feeling that has been gnawing at your gut.

And a bit on Reid’s brand new audio (CD and Mp3) books of his #1 best selling Threads West An American Saga Series, now winner of TEN National Awards–great for that Christmas trip or gift, narrated by Reid himself!  Just 500 first edition CD’s available. Reservations starting Friday December 7th at www.threadswestseries.com

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