Healthcare Wrap Up, Interest Rates to Rise? What Do Obama and Progressives Have Planned for You? What Can You Do About It?

obama_liesHealthcare wrap up, interest rates to rise? What about inflation?  Housing? The international scene–it is not just the middle east…though Iran is now a bigger problem than before the so-called “agreement”…the enmity of China…our economy–where is it really headed? Reid’s bullet point summaries of the state of the world, how it affects you, what the future holds in store in each of these critical–above important– areas for you and those close to you, and some thoughts about what you and your family need to do to prepare for events outside the box–situations that could rock your normalcy bias– fun Holiday thoughts on the books, plus some Reading by Reid of excerpts  (some rated R  :-)) from the on the way (finally!) third novel  of the Threads West Series–Uncompahgre-where water turns rock red.


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The Cowboy’s Sleigh—Hi Ho Rudolph

#1 Bestselling, multiple National award winning author, Reid Lance Rosenthal, has hitched up his sled and is heading out on his 2nd annual Holiday Book Signing Tour. Reid and his Threads West, An American Saga series will be landing on the rooftops of Barnes and Nobles and Hastings bookstores across Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Idaho from November 29th through December 31st. Visit the Threads West website for specific dates and times in your area!


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