Voter Fraud–Join Reid and Herb London, One of USA’s Foremost Voter Fraud Experts For Frank Discussion Of The Importance of One Legal Vote Per Citizen–And How That is Being Undermined To The Peril Of The Republic

Herb London and Reid discuss Herb’s losing the Gubernatorial race for New York by 14,000 votes–later determined to be voter fraud, the impact of 900 illegal votes in Minnesota in 2010 through which Al Franken was illegally elected (by 317 votes in that senatorial election) his vote being the 60th needed for the passage of Obama Care, general trends in voter fraud and how it undermines the electoral process, and faith in the foundation of our system of Representative Republic. 2.7 million dead, dogs, and votes cast at least twice across state lines…The use of fraudulent ID’s and registrations including some astonishing examples of actual cases of fraud…and what to look for, and WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! It is time to stand up, folks.


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