Immigration?? Nope–Social Justice, Fraud, Subversion, and Reparations–The Rest Of The Story



So–you think Obama and progressive minions flaunting of the laws of immigration, at the expense of American crime, family safety, jobs, the treasury (that is YOUR money), and national security and values is just about more votes for them in the future?  It is–BUT it is far more than that. Progressives (communists), particularly when imbued with racial contempt, and a loathing of the constitution and American values are unfortunately great at killing more than one bird with one stone…and Immigration kills the flock, as well as the American Eagle. And they are all about that…join Reid for the BIG picture –the true al encompassing plan and motives behind the shambles of immigration due to a purposely lawless government, aided and abetted by certain folks who call themselves Republicans and conservatives. There will be a sea change in your view and understanding of what is really going on–guaranteed.

Part 1

Part 2

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