“Our Lives, Our Property, And Our Sacred Honor”–The Declaration of Independence. Do We Have The Same Courage? Time For A Birthday Present–The Solutions To Our Major Problems

AmericaJoin Reid  for a discussion filled with hope for the future, faith in our ability as Americans to restore America, and specific thoughts on how we can– simply –turn the basket of sow ear problems we face as a nation and a people, into a treasure chest of silken prosperity, security, and liberty. July 4 grist for your brain and your spirit: Thoughts and solutions to immigration, terror, tax, economy, budget and national debt, education, campaign reform, diminishing government, preserving freedom and tweaking the constitution so we never get in this hole again. Happy Birthday America!

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2 Responses to ““Our Lives, Our Property, And Our Sacred Honor”–The Declaration of Independence. Do We Have The Same Courage? Time For A Birthday Present–The Solutions To Our Major Problems”

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  1. Roberta L Wood says:

    I am so happy I have you in my corner. I know sometimes you probably think you are talking to the wall but I hear you and I tell 10 people who tell 10 people and we just might make a difference. Of course you tell 1000’s upon 1000’s of people and I am grateful to you. Every week now I send out your web site to all and I know that many just say lalalalal but a few do listen. Some of my friends and family tell me you are to outspoken on what you think is right. Well I guess I like real men who stand up for what they believe in. Opinionated is the word most used. My late husband had it, you have it and I hate wishy washy men who can’t stand up for themselves or their family. God bless you. I hope you always speak your mind, right wrong or indifferent. You have a good mind and a great researchers. Sorry if I got to sweet but I do get a bit fired up after one of your pod casts. I have a few friends who call me now and say,’go to channel this or that and you won’t believe that guy was right’. Have a great weekend.

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