Reid’s Podcast: The Disturbing Dots of a Plan for Tyranny…All Facts/You Connect…

 iranianshipsAnd articles galore–see Constitution and scandal as tie-ins to Reid’s thoughts this day after Valentine’s Day…and loads of military articles this week on a wide range of subjects…Iranian warships off our coast–check out International…and gutless wonders in our government–see Politics and Domestic. More lies on Obamacare…Things are happening in the finance world–they will affect you and your family–see Finance. Happy Valentine’s Weekend!

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3 Responses to “Reid’s Podcast: The Disturbing Dots of a Plan for Tyranny…All Facts/You Connect…”

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  1. Dawn says:

    Hey Reid…..enjoyed the podcast today. Thanks for the reminder to us all about what The Constitution stands for. I read the article you had posted re: Commom Core which is a topic that irritates the heck out of me– as a parent but as a teacher too. Thanks for keeping us updated as none of this information will ever be seen on Mainstream Media. Also, a big thank you for posting the podcasts on Facebook again. For some of us, it is easier to access and also easier to share the info with friends. It actually got posted early today which was very convenient to me. A big thanks to your show!

    • Reid says:

      Tickled you found the pod cast both enjoyable (kind of between gritting your teeth) and informative. There is a war being fought of the souls and brains of our children. The progressives have a long term plan–and they are well ahead of the multititudes now just catching on, and rightfully being both appalled and enraged. Fight the fight. Stand up. Pass it on!


  2. Roberta L Wood says:

    Reid; I have trouble sleeping as is ,then I listen to you and wonder if I can shut my mind off long enough to get a little shut eye. You do make it hard not to have nightmares. I still love how you keep me and others aware and I hate that we have all slept through so much that we,WE let this happen. Thank you again; I have some pretty heavy reading to do. Stay true to yourself. Roberta

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