The Dots Of Jihad…The Dots of Obama And Crew’s “Muslim Sympathies”…Russia’s Real Chess Game…Alternative Logic On The Syrian Refugees–It Makes Sense!


Part 1

Part 2

One Response to “The Dots Of Jihad…The Dots of Obama And Crew’s “Muslim Sympathies”…Russia’s Real Chess Game…Alternative Logic On The Syrian Refugees–It Makes Sense!”

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  1. Jan Mercot says:

    Lots of meaty information, and I, like you, know that there are a lot of people out there that are not in-tuned with what is really going on. I have had some extra time this week to read more than usual on what is actually going on and I have truly been speechless a couple of times. Among many things, I am still trying to get over Kerry’s incredibly insensitive comment regarding the Charlie Hebdo attack. Embarrassed beyond reason that he is supposed to represent us. Plus never mind the non existent insane vetting process that we apparently have in place to let in the Syrian refugees. At times I think that we are our own worse enemy! You are absolutely right, there is not enough time to cover all the madness that has been going on. Thanks for gathering and summarizing some of the major news of this last week!

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