Veterans Getting the Shaft–Homeless, Waiting 500 days for Benefits, Delayed Medical Treatment, and More Shame. John Rocker is Doing Something About It–YOU CAN TOO!
Join Reid and John Rocker for a fascinating discussion on the screwing being given to our vets–specific examples of the how and the why. 300,000 known homeless, and that is estimated half of the real total. More than a million waiting for benefits–some since Vietnam. These men and women are wounded–physically, mentally , or both. They fought for us. The deserve better, they are entitled to benefits (one of the few true and worthy entitlements) and the law requires they receive this help. But, as Reid and John discuss,the bureaucracy, paperwork and regulation of a government out of control, and the culture of disrespect that flows from the white house is pervasive–far more than the typical vet can deal with. That is where John’s outfit comes in. Some great case studies from Atlanta, poignant tales of help needed, offered, and working; plans to expand the program to other cities, the purposeful emasculation the military by namby pamby political officers, and mandates for political correctness and diversity that come from the very top, ie, the oval office. Most importantly–what you can do to help, besides raising hell with your congressman, and passing the word!