WEF Ticklers–Cricket Powder Anyone?…Biden’s Treason…Ever Heard of EoD? You Will…Ukraine Escalates…Election Fraud Battle Continues…The Covid Psyops Crumbles…Woke Teaching End Runs Around Bans And Parents…Desantis’ Brilliant Teacher Ideas…Corruption Multiplication



Frontline.News just published a bombshell report showing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has admitted that the EKGs of many pilots are no longer normal.After the rushed rollout of the COVID injections, we’ve now learned the FAA secretly increased the acceptable range of EKG heart-test results for pilots, as too many were facing potential grounding. Meaning, they watered down safety standards to avoid a pilot shortage.The stunning policy change was published in the October 2022 FAA Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners. With this change, the Federal Government admits that rushed “vaccines” have damaged the hearts of enough pilots to affect the entire airline industry.Additionally, there are reports of billionaires requesting unvaccinated pilots to fly their private jets. You can probably guess why!These falsely labeled ‘vaccines’ for COVID-19 cause far more injury to the heart than the virus itself. Athletes, pilots, and millions of Americans have suffered from injury and sudden death caused by these injections!







 Interview with Alan Gottlieb

You’ve seen it on cable TV and heard it on talk radio: Illinois just passed a so-called “assault weapons” ban.
It’s tempting to think that this is just another swipe at the Second Amendment by corrupt
Chicago politicians, and it won’t affect gun owners outside of Illinois…
But the Illinois law is FAR MORE DANGEROUS…it’s a ban on rifles, pistols, AND standard capacity magazines. And it’s being watched by gun grabbing Joe Biden and anti-gun leftists in Washington, D.C. – as a test case for a national gun ban and national gun registry.
Here’s what the liberal media won’t tell you about the insane Illinois law:
? It bans the AR-15, AK-47, and
many other rifles by name.
? It bans all rifle magazines that
hold more than 10 rounds.? It bans many pistols by name.
? It bans all pistol magazines that hold more than 15 rounds.
But there’s more.
The new law lays the groundwork to ban semi-auto target and hunting rifles if they can be modified from their stock conditions and take a magazine with more than 10 rounds.
With all the aftermarket parts and products available these days, that means many beloved .22s and deer rifles can be outlawed, too!
All the guns banned inside Illinois have to be registered with the Illinois state police. Or the owner faces felony charges and jail time.
This new gun grab is so extreme, dozens of Illinois county sheriffs have refused to enforce it.
Make no mistake, the Illinois gun ban has national impact. And so does the ATF pistol brace ban. Tens of millions of Americans and their guns, freedoms, and rights are in the crosshairs. You and I and our families are in the crosshairs. But there’s something you can do about it.
I’m Alan Gottlieb, founder of Second Amendment Foundation.
I’ve defended your gun rights on over 6,000 TV and radio talk shows since we started in1974.
Maybe you’ve seen or heard me fight the liberal gun grabbers on Lou Dobbs, ABC’s 20/20, The O’Reilly Show, MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, CNN’s Crossfire, CBS Morning News, Laura Ingraham Show, BBC, NBC’s Today Show, and Good Morning America.
More importantly, I’ve fought for your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in courtrooms across our country for 48 years… and won crucial victories:
? Won critical fights at the U.S. Supreme Court, D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago.
? Beat the carry ban in Illinois (Moore v Madigan).
? Overturned the San Francisco handgun ban.
? Helped end 19 years of Los Angeles police refusing to issue concealed carry permits.
Remember the 1994 federal gun ban lawless Joe Biden helped pass? We helped fund lawsuits against it. We’ve countersued cities that sued the gun industry.
The Foundation has as many as two dozens active court cases at any one time, fighting for your Second Amendment rights!
And we’re in the fight right now to strike down the Illinois gun ban and the ATF pistol brace ban.
Will you help me fight back against these power hungry gun grabbers in court with your best gift of $35, $50, $100, or more right now?
Lawsuits are incredibly expensive and time-consuming. But our freedoms and our rights are worth it.









Link to previous major COVID shows:

September 11, 2021

September 18, 2021

September 25, 2021

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