A Listener’s Email Sparks A History Lesson On The Founders…Tired Of The Race Baiters…Hil-Lie-rie…Greece And China–A Canary In The Coal Mine

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Reid sounds off on a listener’s email, attempted post on this web site, and ignorance of things historical. FBI agents galore, tens of millions in investigations, public outcry (later proved wrong) by Obama, Holder and the crew of the good ship SS Divide America, when black men lose their lives, built nary a peep, or agent, or funeral attendance when it comes to a 32 year old Caucasian women. What happened to that “no red state, no blue state, heal the wounds, part the waters”, BS? And then we have Hillary, who can’t seem to open her mouth without a lie drooling out–the latest phenomenal whoppers–even for her–in her CNN interview this week past. Finally, Greece on life support, Chinese real estate and stock market in 911 mode. Think they are  so far away no effect here? Think again.

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