Interview with Coleman Alderson of the Little Red Pill Dot Com! Ever hear of Agenda 21–so named because it is THEIR blueprint for US for the 21st century? What It REALLY Means!

Just a taste: wipe private property rights out around the globe…force you/your family into compact housing in dense planned multi-family “compact housing…confiscate private farms/farmland…ban individual ownership of cars…determine what you eat, where you live, how and what you can learn, and where and when you can move (if at all). Wait til you hear about Obama’s Executive Order of June 6, 2011, masked with the Wiener scandal–and who is on that new White House Rural Council, without congressional oversight. You will not be pleased.

The end of family, faith, the Constitution, and America. And, that is exactly what the global government plan proponents–including Barrack Obama and the czars HE appointed– want. Not a science fiction tale (unfortunately)…its on-line, all twenty-eight chapters, and four major elements. Their goal is full implementation by 2025. We don’t have much time–and YOU are the key. And, don’t miss Reid’s tantalizing CHUNKS (these are way bigger than tidbits) of Torture this week. Get ready to roll your eyes!



Protecting American Rights at the Local Level

By Tom Trinko

Liberals believe themselves to be superior people who not only know the answers to all of life’s problems but are also more caring and compassionate than the hoi polloi. Their self image fuels their feeling of noblesse oblige, they have both the right and responsibility to run the lives of the less gifted in America; i.e. those who aren’t liberals.

To an objective observer it’s hard to reconcile the liberal condemnation of conservatives who object to abortion on the grounds that making abortion illegal is an intrusion on individual liberty when those same liberals declare that the government has the right to determine how large a bottle of soda you can buy. Needless to say, liberals themselves see no contradiction because they know that abortion is good and drinking too much soda is bad with a fervor and certainty normally associated with a revivalist minister. (Read More)

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