A Whirling Dervish of Pro Gun Rights Litigation–And Impressive, Key Victories From the Supreme Court to Tiny Towns–Alan Gottlieb, Founder Of The Second Amendment Foundation

 Alan and his Second Amendment Foundation are simply unafraid–and determined–and successful in protecting your rights and the constitution. From Eric Holder’s Justice Department, to the City of Chicago, to the state of California, they will tangle aggressively with anyone that makes a grab for your guns, or your right to bear arms. From the landmark Heller case a decade ago at the Supreme Court, to the most recent trouncing of Chicago’s anti-gun laws in the Seventh Circuit, Alan and the SAF are everywhere. What the NRA is to the legislative battle, the SAF is to the legal struggle. Join Reid and Alan for a simply fascinating review of some of SAF’s cases, actual real time ongoing assaults on gun rights–including in Colorado, the worrisome trends in oblique attacks by gun foes designed to circumvent the second amendment in insidious ways, and the growing power of the anti-gun crowd, now spearheaded by Obama’s magical transformation of his political machine into a massive public relations/lobbying goliath. This is the behind the scenes tale–the rest of the story hidden from the television cameras and hype– of the absolutely critical war being waged between those who would save, and those who would dismantle America and our individual freedoms. [ca_audio url=”https://ontherightsideradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Alan-Gotllieb-Interview.mp3″ width=”400″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]

Click here to contribute or join the Second Amendment Foundation

Grab one of Alan Gottlieb’s books here

Click here for the SAF’s Current Litigation Index



Senate Assault Weapons Ban Vote Imminent

ALERT: The Senate Judiciary Committee is getting set to vote on an Assault Weapons Ban Bill as well as a 10 round Magazine Capacity Limit Bill and three other Anti-gun Bills. Radical Senators are pushing for the bills to pass the committee vote – then for a full vote in the anti-gun Democrat controlled U.S. Senate.

The Second Amendment is under attack like I have NEVER witnessed before. Every asset we have has been put on the line to save our Second Amendment rights during this all out assault on weapons. But we are in serious trouble and desperately need your help! Radical Democrats have THREE MORE ANTI-GUN BILLS SET TO BE VOTED ON IN COMMITTEE S. 146, S. 374 and S. 150.


The Untold Story of Actual Gun Confiscations

Posted by Chaplain Michael Donohoe on February 27, 2013


City Wants Power to “Disarm Individuals” During Crisis


(Info Wars) – Guntersville (Ala.) Mayor Leigh Dollar is working with city officials to pass an ordinance that would give police the power to “disarm individuals” during a disaster, a chilling example of how the second amendment is being assaulted via the back door.
The new rule would allow authorities to confiscate guns of “unruly” people during an extreme weather event such as the April 2011 tornadoes or any other emergency.
“The ordinance states officers could disarm individuals, if necessary, reports ABC 31. “Dollar says the proposal is just way to give officers more authority to protect themselves.”
Dollar denied that the ordinance would be used to take away constitutional rights, but residents questioned why authorities would need to pass a new ordinance given that police already have the power to arrest citizens who are being “unruly,” whether armed or not.
“Well, it seems like an infringement on the 2nd Amendment and that’s the biggest problem I have with it,” said Guntersville Music Academy teacher Paul Landry.
Authorities are seemingly attempting to mirror unconstitutional gun grab powers that were enacted in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005.  (Read More)

Newtown Father Blasts Gun Control

(Info Wars) – “You will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold dead hands” In testimony that was universally ignored by the mainstream media, Newtown father Bill Stevens blasted attempts to use the Sandy Hook tragedy as a poster child for gun control, telling a public hearing, “You will take my ability to protect my Victoria from my cold dead hands.” Last week, MSNBC deceptively edited a clip of Neil Heslin, the father of Jesse Lewis, who was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary, to portray second amendment activists as insensitive by claiming they were heckling Heslin when in reality they were answering a question he had asked them. FAX BLAST SPECIAL: Don’t Let The Government Take Your Guns! Protect Your Second Amendment Rights!   (Read More)

City Wants Power to “Disarm Individuals” During Crisis

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