Attack On Gun Rights–International, Internal, Globalists, Mexico, The UN…The BIG Intentional Squeeze On America And The Middle Class–Calculated, Intentional, From Every Angle, And For A Purpose…Intentional Attack On The Food Supply…Gearing Up To Combat Voter Fraud…What Do They Really Have Planned To Derail The Election?








Because they filled out ATF Form 4473, legal gun owners taking legal medication are being forced to hand over their guns to police. wrote that Hawaiian police told gun owners they had a week to turn over their guns or else. If they didn’t, the police told these law-abiding citizens they were going to come and take them away by force. Odds are, you’ve filled out Form 4473 too. You just know it by a different name – The NICS Background Check. Since 1993, ever since the Brady Bill was signed into law, 97% of gun purchases have been made using Form 4473. What you may not realize is Form 4473 form puts everyone – including you– on a federal registry. A registry the Feds can use to seize your guns just like they’re doing in Hawaii right now. The number #1 way to guarantee your guns are never seized is by knowing gun law “workarounds” like those found in this FREE Guerrilla Gun Guide. The Guerrilla Gun Guide is an easy read that shows you exactly how to get around problematic gun laws. Here are a few examples of ways it’ll show you to bypass gun laws that would make anti-gun snowflakes freak out.

Exploitable loopholes in today’s gun laws you can use to get an off-the-books rifle or pistol. If you don’t know them you’re putting yourself at extreme risk of future gun confiscation.

Why understanding the true definition of a firearm is so important. Know this and they won’t be able to track down your firearm – ahem, I mean your “gun.”

Which ATF forms to avoid at all costs. You already learned about Form 4473, now it’s time to see what bad things happen when you fill the other ones out.

Page 27 shows you how to hide existing firearms from the government’s prying eyes. An advanced technique, this guarantees your gun is confiscation proof.

Plus much more. Normally $47, the publishers are giving away copies of this book for the next 3 days, or until they run out of copies, as a part of a special gun rights awareness promo. They said there are 66 copies left… so click here to get yours FREE before they’re gone.

– The Patriot Wholesale Team

P.S. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend your guns will never be taken… or you can take the simple steps in this Free book to learn how to guarantee they aren’t.

This is ugly.

We’ve been warning you for a long time that the UN Small Arms Treaty would give the Communist Chinese the ability to know what guns you own, as the treaty tracks all ‘end users’ of firearms.

While failed basketball player Lebron James and Hollywood elites are terrified to say anything negative about China for fear that it may cost them money, the facts are revolting.

The Chinese government is a brutal dictatorship that murdered over 65,000,000 of its own people last century! And currently,   China’s leader Xi Jinping is having over 1,000,000 political opponents ‘re-educated’ and tortured in internment camps!

And with the largest army in the world, many believe it’s not a matter of if, but when, Communist China makes an overt move on America.

But unlike Taiwan and other countries that the Chinese are openly talking about trying to take over, the American people are not unarmed serfs. Here, 100 million Americans own somewhere close to 400 million firearms.

That’s why the Chinese government was furious when President Trump removed America as a signatory to the UN Small Arms Treaty in 2018 — and that’s why they are furious at American gun owners who are fighting to stop this treaty in the US Senate!  


 I don’t know about you, but listening to the condescension drip off of this man’s face knowing that his government has a million people in a modern day concentration camp makes my blood boil!

We can never forget that while gun owners like you and me have been focused on dealing with domestic tyrants for the last year, there are foreign governments (like the Communist Chinese) that would love to destroy our nation, too.

That’s why we MUST make sure that the United States Senate does not go along with the Biden Administration’s goal of ratifying the UN Small Arms Treaty — so please sign your petition against it immediately!   

Biden Proposes Labeling Gun Kits as Firearms

( – Democrats have an infatuation with minimizing the Second Amendment. It’s a convenient pattern for them. If the Constitution fits the need, they support it. If it doesn’t, then they will try to redefine it. The proof is in their words.On Monday, April 11, President Joe Biden made an executive move to regulate ghost guns. These guns are sold in do-it-yourself (DIY) kits and are privately made, assembled at home, and don’t require serial numbers by federal law. In his announcement of the new regulations, Biden made his usual claims that one constitutional scholar says are wrong.

Pros and Cons of Biden’s New Ghost Gun Rules

Ghost guns enjoy a 30-year history as an American pastime. They are often sold with 80% of a rifle or pistol already built, and the average person can finish assembly in around 30 minutes. The Department of Justice (DOJ) branded the kits as buy, build, shoot, and said they are firearms even though they are not ready to shoot until assembled.There are several perceived pros and cons to the new rule.The pro is that the DOJ says each kit will require a license and registration number on the gun. Additionally, the government would require gun dealers to run background checks before someone could purchase a ghost gun, just like they do commercially made firearms.According to the DOJ, between 2016 and 2021, law enforcement at crime scenes recovered over 45,000 ghost guns used in a crime. These guns were untraceable. Federal officials believe ghost guns are popular among gangs and other criminals. Additionally, the president argued that terrorists could easily acquire ghost guns and said allowing them to do so was extreme.The con is that Congress has never passed a law requiring ghost guns to be treated like commercially manufactured guns. They are legal to manufacture and own, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has never defined a ghost gun as a firearm.

Problems With Biden’s Argument

Once again, President Biden returned to a familiar theme to justify his view about the Second Amendment. On Wednesday, he repeated the claim that he supports the Second Amendment but argued that, when Congress ratified the Constitution in 1787, the Constitutional amendment didn’t say you could own any gun you want, including a cannon.George Washington University Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley said Biden’s claim is untrue. In the 1780s, there were no laws prohibiting cannon ownership, or any kind of gun for that matter. Turley said that didn’t come until much later in history, and even then it was a local issue.Additionally, Turley said the Constitution actually makes a case for gun and cannon ownership by private citizens in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 through the words “grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal.” The clause allowed private parties to sail the high seas with cannons in times of war – meaning private individuals had to own the cannons to use them. Recently, lawmakers introduced legislation allowing private US citizens to seize Russian assets using Letters of Marque.





Link to previous major COVID shows:

September 11, 2021

September 18, 2021

September 25, 2021

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