Victory In Chicago For 2nd Amendment Foundation

SAF Helps Illinois Force A Concealed Carry Law Today the Second Amendment Foundation won a significant victory for concealed carry when the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals let stand a December ruling by a three-judge panel of the court that forces Illinois to adopt a concealed carry law, thus affirming […] READ MORE»

The State Of Disunion Part Two – The Real Reality. The Worst Aspect Of The Great Deception. Think You Were Stunned By Part One? The Part Two Math Will Absolutely Floor You. 110 Trillion Real Debt–7 Trillion Real Annual Deficit.

  You heard Obama’s State of the Union. Part One of this two fisted blockbuster series of shows reviewed the mantras and promises of the last four years–merely repeated in the “State of The Union” The Recovery, things are getting better, unemployment is going down, deficits will be brought under […] READ MORE»

The State Of Disunion. Part One–Time For Tough Love. This Is Not The Great Recession–It Is The Great Deception. Reid’s Research Reveals Facts , Figures and Truths–Not Politics, Just Math–That Will Stun You

You heard Obama’s State of the Union. The Recovery, things are getting better, the exact same promises and hand wringing over the exact same supposed concern over the still unsolved problems of five years ago (and with continuing feigned lamenting by both parties repeatedly since then). This is the rest […] READ MORE»

GUN CULTURE NOT THE PROBLEM– “FATHERLESS AMERICA” IS. Larry Elder and Reid for a Rare Hour–A Show That Answers Big Questions–And May Just Help You in Your Own Family Situation

Join Reid and best-selling author and conservative black radio talk-show host Larry Elder in a wide ranging discussion on the real root of violence in America–It ain’t guns! And Larry knows. His dysfunctional family, long time hatred of his father, and the redemption that saved them both come to light when […] READ MORE»

The Distraction of Guns, Budget, Taxes, and Politics—Let’s Not Forget the Middle East, Jihad, the Muslim Brotherhood, Israel, And Due to Obama’s Policies–The World’s Next Major War

Reid and Dr Tawfik Hamid, a Mid East native and well known expert, have an alarming–and fascinating–in depth discussion of the Mid East and Egypt–hot emotions, crazy rhetoric, bewildering politics, frightening ideology and sinister intent. Obama and the US blew it. Our mistakes–or politically motivated missteps at the expense of […] READ MORE»

Guns for Defense? Sport? Collection? No! For Basic Survival, Michael Maloof, Author of “A Nation Forsaken”

Join Reid and Michael for an in-depth, troubling–even hair raising discussion of Michael’s new book “A Nation Forsaken: EMP: The Escalating Threat of an American Catastrophe,” and the rapidly increasing likelihood of an Electro-Magnetic-Pulse (EMP) attack. Did you know there are three levels of EMP weapons?–Or that for $400, using […] READ MORE»