GENERAL PATRICK BRADY INTERVIEW–Medal of Honor Recipient, Active in Four Branches of the Military, Now A Huge Veterans Proponent–Hear What He Thinks of Obama’s Military Cuts/Benghazi/Mid East strategy, And More Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS General Patrick Brady is a hero’s hero. Rising through the ranks from 2nd Lieutenant to General, Combat Chopper pilot, Spokesperson for the Dept. of Defense. He has rubbed shoulders with Obama, Patreus and more, and is now an outspoken critic of the administration […] READ MORE»

BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT–Let’s Assume Obama Meant Every Glowing Word He Said In His Acceptance Speech–How Might The Next Four Years Affect Your Family?? Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSReid steps back from firmly held beliefs, and gives Obama the benefit of the doubt. Given Obama’s/Democrat’s political–NOT ideological–platform, and If the man really meant every word of his victory oratory Tuesday night (bipartisanship, middle class, tax breaks, business growth, America as […] READ MORE»

JOIN REID FOR A SPECIAL PRE-ELECTION SHOW–the promises and assertions versus the REAL reality, situation and stats–NO SPIN–comparative and actual right from the government web sites–Census, Congressional Budget Office, Department of Labor, and Department of Commerce. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS JOIN REID FOR A SPECIAL PRE-ELECTION SHOW–the promises and assertions versus the REAL reality, situation and stats–NO SPIN–comparative and actual right from the government web sites–Census, Congressional Budget Office, Department of Labor, and Department of Commerce. Some thoughts on Libya and appalling […] READ MORE»

“We Are Sinking In A Sea Of Debt”: G. Osborne, Britain’s Finance Minister. WE Includes the USA. The Fate Of Paper Currency Systems … The Real Libyan Timeline–Obama’s Lies Dig His Hole Deeper–What Else Has He/Will He Lie About? And Who was Haym Solomon? Big Decision For All Of Us in Just 8 Days. Think!! Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSDid you know that in real terms the US financial picture is worse than Greece in several material respects? Yep–and the magnitude of our sorry situation over the past four years will curl your toes–and undermine the lives of your children’s children. […] READ MORE»

Voter Fraud–Join Reid and Herb London, One of USA’s Foremost Voter Fraud Experts For Frank Discussion Of The Importance of One Legal Vote Per Citizen–And How That is Being Undermined To The Peril Of The Republic Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHerb London and Reid discuss Herb’s losing the Gubernatorial race for New York by 14,000 votes–later determined to be voter fraud, the impact of 900 illegal votes in Minnesota in 2010 through which Al Franken was illegally elected (by 317 votes in […] READ MORE»

A VERY RARE Interview With A Top Israeli–Formerly Aide to Three Israeli Prime Ministers, Including Netanyahu–Policy And US-Israeli Rift–AndThe Grim Reality of Everyday Life In A Threatened Nation Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSS THIS INTERVIEW WAS CONDUCTED IN MR. BARAK’S AIR RAID SHELTER IN HIS JERUSALEM HOME SO THE AUDIO QUALITY IS NOT GREAT…BUT INFORMATION IS RIVETING. Join Reid for a very rare, very insightful interview from Jerusalem, 8,000 miles away, with Mitchell Barak […] READ MORE»