JOIN REID FOR A SPECIAL PRE-ELECTION SHOW–the promises and assertions versus the REAL reality, situation and stats–NO SPIN–comparative and actual right from the government web sites–Census, Congressional Budget Office, Department of Labor, and Department of Commerce.

JOIN REID FOR A SPECIAL PRE-ELECTION SHOW–the promises and assertions versus the REAL reality, situation and stats–NO SPIN–comparative and actual right from the government web sites–Census, Congressional Budget Office, Department of Labor, and Department of Commerce. Some thoughts on Libya and appalling new discoveries–a symbol of non transparency, cover up and distortion–and people died. Isolated or indicative?  The “failed policies of the past”? The rest of the story on that devious assertion–the Community Reinvestment Act, the sub prime mortgages it intentionally spawned, and the first attempt at massive wealth redistribution in America–via mortgages and your tax dollars–the real truth.
And beware of voter fraud–check that electronic ballot–make sure it is tabulating correctly. There are already problems in North Carolina and Ohio, sometimes taking three attempts to get a Romney vote to not register as an Obama vote! What to do if you see or experience a problem or fraud.The sanctity of one vote, one person–the foundation of our Republic. The price of Liberty is vigilance!
A BIG BIG decision for all of us, for the country, for your kids, and the children of your children. Time to stand up–be informed–vote, and get others to cast their ballot too.

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