Intentional, Brilliant, Purposeful, Progressively Successful–to YOUR detriment. That is the current reality of Obama and Minions’ plan for you, me, our faiths, our constitution, our security, and our families. Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSStep back from your normalcy bias. Yes, it is possible to have a President, surrounded by advisors he picked who hate the America we know–the country founded on the principles of a Representative Republic, who fervently believe the country must fall to […] READ MORE»

Think The United Nations Is Our Friend? Your Friend? Not Hardly Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThink The United Nations Is Our Friend? Your Friend? Not Hardly–and it is even worse than you suppose. Join Reid and guests, Nathan Tabor, the author of the The Beast on The East River, whose many interviews include Glen Beck, Laura Ingrahm, […] READ MORE»

Inexperienced? Incompetent? Stupid? Unintentional? Or Part of a Brilliant Multi Dimensional Plan? Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSSee what Reid thinks–hint–Obama does not have a problem. We do. Connect the dots. A father who was a dedicated Marxist. A stepfather who was the same and Muslim. A mother who was left of left. A wife who–well–read her thesis. Her […] READ MORE»

AGENDA 21. PART TWO Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSInterview with Coleman Alderson of the Little Red Pill Dot Com! Ever hear of Agenda 21–so named because it is THEIR blueprint for US for the 21st century? What It REALLY Means! Just a taste: wipe private property rights out around the […] READ MORE»

AGENDA 21. Ever hear of it? And, If You Have, Do You Know What It REALLY Means? Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSThe end of your and your family’s private property, personal wealth, opportunity, and freedom–and the end of the Constitution, and America. And That is exactly what the global government plan proponents–including Barrack Obama and the czars HE appointed– want. Not a science […] READ MORE»

OBAMA’S CZARS–PART TWO. And You Thought The First Bunch Was Mind-Boggling? It Gets Better (Or Worse). A Scary Bunch of Dudes and Dudettes. “Judge me by who I associate with”, Barrack Obama, 2008 Play in new windowSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSA big Week Two Welcome to the listeners of southern Wyoming, Eastern Nebraska, and Northern Colorado via KGAB, AM 650, Cheyenne! On The Right Side Network on KGAB! Every Saturday, 3 to 4 PM. Obama’s Czars–the five overriding themes, gun control/abolition of […] READ MORE»