2 Billion Rounds of Ammo, 2707 Armored Vehicles–for Dept Homeland Security. Why? Let Reid Give You The Info “Dots”–Ask Yourself A Few Questions, And You Will Connect The Dots.

FBI: “So let’s say you get this socialist state you want set up. What are you going to do with the 25 million Americans who disagree or won’t comply?”
William Ayers, SDS Terrorist: “They will have to be eliminated”
Three Decades ago Bill Ayers, terrorist (and then Obama mentor, friend, supporter, and some say ghostwriter), was interviewed by the FBI. Google it. One chilling part of that discourse is paraphrased above. But there is more to the Ayers story, Obama’s background, ideological foundation and linkage between he and Michele, names and companies you will recognize and interactions and associations that will flatly amaze you. This show culminates four months of research by Reid. He gives you FACTS–not opinion–and invites you to check them out. First, the foundation, then the dots…International, the Muslim brotherhood, Czars, domestic, economic, debt, spending, budget, municipal and state financial weakness, executive orders over the last year–and what triggers them (that will scare you)–Cypress and your 401k, and finally the national civilian security force and the cloak and dagger game of obfuscation being played by DHS as they stock up on more weapons, ammo and military hardware than we used in the war in Iraq. Nope–this is not a political rant, and neither is this show one of opinions. Just the facts. Reid leaves it to you to reach the conclusions…and because he has covered many of these subjects in depth in previous shows–sounding the alarm bells for almost two years, those that will assist you with more in depth analysis to reach YOUR OWN conclusion are posted as easy links below. Consider this broadcast as one of the most important rides of radio’s Paul Revere.
 [ca_audio url=”https://ontherightsideradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Summary-show-wb.mp3″ width=”400″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]
Below is a list with links of the shows mentioned during this broadcast:

Title of Episode

Date of Show

Link to Episode

Executive Orders, Ads For Relocation Camp Guards, A DHS Whistle Blower, Europe and Iran–It All Adds Up



The other 900 Executive Orders in 40 months–Why? Cites Collapse in California–Forecast FIRST Here Last Sept–Some Thoughts On Roberts–Reid’s New Book A #1 Best Seller



Reid’s Opinion on the State of Ominous Executive Orders over the Past 6 Months…Obama And Truth–Antithesis to One Another– Desperation Breeds More Lies…Europe’s Meltdown Accelerates–And More



PART 2–THE PLAN–FINAL PREPARATIONS…A Flick of A DHS Pen, and What You Eat, Drink, Drive, Where You Work, and Heating Your Home is Under Federal Control–The 13,000,000 Acre Federal Land Grab







AGENDA 21. Ever hear of it? And, If You Have, Do You Know What It REALLY Means?




The Left’s Green Agenda And How It Is, And Will, Dismantle America–With The UN’s Eager Assistance




Part TWO–The Corruption of America–By Big Business, Hand in Hand with Government, Taking Your Money, Stealing Your Children’s Legacy, Feathering Their Own Nests Using Dollars From Your Pocket -An Erosion of Core American Values




The Corruption of America–On Every Level, Unions, Government, Certain Businesses, and Yes–Certain Citizens Looking For a Handout. More Than Simple Greed–It is an Erosion of Core American Values




Europe, Cypress: Meltdown Already Underway Across the Pond–How Long Til It’s Us? Join Reid & Georges Ugeux, Director of 76 European Banks, Ran the Int. Trade Floor of NYSE–and An Obama Supporter!??



Europe Craters, Public Pensions 4.6 Trillion Short–Your 401k/IRA Are Tempting Targets–Bills Aimed At That 8.9 Trillion From a Government Hungry For Cash/Control, More on The UN Arms Treaty–and Immigration Tips For Mitt…Even the head cheeses in Europe and the markets have lost faith. European banks teeter, despite up to 95 billion PER MONTH.



Think Europe is Far Away–Doesn’t Matter–Simply That Continent Across the Sea? Wrong. The Countries There are The States Here…Greece is California. Some Scary Facts/Figures They Have Not Told You, and What happens When the Entitlement Rubber Meets the Reality Road at the Municipal Level. Not a Forecast–It is Happening Now




Collapse of the Euro, a Mideast War, Social unrest, an EMP attack—IMAGINE THE UNIMAGINABLE AND PLAN!




Do Your Eyes Glaze at “QE3?? Do You Pooh Pooh The Federal Reserve And The ECB (European Central Bank)? Don’t. Their “New” Policy Is A Bigger Theft From Your Pocket Than the $1+ Trillion Looming In Tax Increases 3 Months From Now…



Your 401k and IRA–They Want It–And They Mean To Have It! And Things You Did Not Know On Europe and the US Deficit–No Spin–Just Facts





Important Articles to Read:

Government will “Snatch Away” IRAs, 401(k)s

By Joel McDurmon on April 10, 2013

I first argued that IRAs and 401(k) plans are not safe a couple years ago when I wrote my Gold Buyer’s Survival Manual:

I think we will see . . . the X-factor for Congress: the trillions of dollars of untapped, untaxed monies sitting in hoards in 401(k) and IRA retirement accounts. This is a no-brainer for anyone who understands the appetites and indifference of Congress. They will simply find a way to remind people that 401(k)s and IRAs are government-created, government-regulated programs, and then they will avail themselves of as much of that vast capital as they deem necessary in order to pay the bills of Social Security, or in some way mitigate the problem under the guise of saving our “standard of living in retirement.”  (Read More)

Mass Arrest and Gun Confiscation Has Begun: Video

Posted on Infowars.com – April 6, 2013

(Info Wars) – Tyranny is rising. The examples we have seen from the 20th century by world dictators are surfacing in America today.

The police state starts out by throwing the book at selected groups like liberty lovers and veterans and gun owners alike.

SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever.

Watch the video here  http://www.infowars.com/mass-arrest-and-gun-confiscation-has-begun-video/

3 Responses to “2 Billion Rounds of Ammo, 2707 Armored Vehicles–for Dept Homeland Security. Why? Let Reid Give You The Info “Dots”–Ask Yourself A Few Questions, And You Will Connect The Dots.”

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  1. Lou says:

    Is this a website to trash President Obama and the Democrates? Only a conservative Republican group would create such a site. What has President Obama done to you? Most of this is made up of lies and propaganda to rid this country of someone who cares and has a heart toward the American People. Your afraid of a minority group being in power over the all American White boys society. There are no gains in this. It is like Satan wanting to be God. He steals God’s identity and causes the world to bow to him. These are the end times so wake up!!!!! I love President Obama and his family. Smear campaigns are groups who have no merits of their own and this is the only way to get people’s attention.

    • Reid says:

      Don’t think racism has a place in the discussion, Lou–and that seems to be what you rather incoherent rant is about. You have obviously not listened to the shows. They are unfortunately fact based–as I say often in the broadcasts, please check out any fact–and not from pundits left or right, but in their–that includes your beloved Obama–own words. There are two types of ignorance–when folks don’t know, know they don’t know, and want to get informed. The second is when folks don’t know, know they don’t know, and like it that way. BTW–not a Republican, but I am an American.

  2. Leigh says:

    Lou, how on earth can you make this about racism??? The only racist remark I see is coming from you….”Your afraid of a minority group being in power over the all American White boys society.” As stated over and over again in this broadcast, Google it…..each and everything listed by Reid is accurate…..scary as hell, but, very accurate. The problem with people these days is that they want to be so politically correct that they can’t see the forest for the trees. You obviously are an uninformed voter and that will be the death of this country and everything that it once stood for. I beg you to verify everything that Reid has mentioned and then come back and respond before you make more of a fool of yourself. Or, maybe you like the idea of fundamentally changing this country to mirror other socialist ones……I sir, most certainly do not…

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