Will The Real Obama Please Stand Up? Last Week– International, This Week–Domestic–John Lott, PhD Economics, Spent Four Years With Obama At U of Chicago– Author of Best Selling “At The Brink”

Join Reid and John for a wide ranging discussion on topics from the debt to your health, and government run amok under the unsteady, but zealously myopic hands of Obama. And John knows–he spent four years with el presidente at the University of Chicago. Want to know the real Obama–the dark, unapproachable, arrogantly ideological man that is the opposite of the glib smiling face you see on TV? Or how about what you can expect in your health insurance premium cost, coverage, and levels of decreasing care quality under Obama care. And some pointers from an expert on how to protect the (probably dwindling) wealth of yourself and your family. But Reid and John don’t see eye to eye on everything. In fact, Reid thinks even this expert might be wrong on two all important points. See whom you agree with.

[ca_audio url=”https://ontherightsideradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/John-Lott-Interview.mp3″ width=”400″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”]

Get a copy of John’s book!!!

Draft Arms Trade Treaty

Countries of the world gathered at the United Nations in New York on 2-27 July 2012 for an historical initiative in the area of conventional arms: to negotiate an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). The Treaty would establish high common standards for international trade in conventional arms. The Conference could not reach agreement on a treaty text. The General Assembly of the United Nations has decided to convene a Final Conference on the ATT, in March 2013, to conclude the work begun in July 2012  You can read the draft here


February’s jobs report only looks good because our expectations are so low

Published By John Lott, March 8, 2013 at Foxnews.com

The new unemployment numbers released Friday look reasonable only because our expectations have are so low.

In February, the 236,000 new jobs added beat out the 166,000 increase in the working age population, but the labor force participation rate remains stuck at a level that is so low Americans haven’t seen anything like it for decades. It simply isn’t making a dent in the huge number of people who have simply given up looking for work. 

Even this last month didn’t really help. The number of unemployed Americans fell by about 300,000, but 99 percent of that drop can be  explained by an increase in the number of people who are no longer in the labor force.

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