Obamacare Petition

From the very beginning President Obama said “if you like your plan, you can keep it.” But what he really meant was “if you like your plan and you have powerful DC connections, you can keep it.” So while the President is issuing special exemptions and favors for the politically connected and powerful, Louisiana and the rest of America is stuck under the weight of this massive, devastating law.

ObamaCare is, right now, more vulnerable than it’s ever been. For the first time in months, this law is on life-support–but we can’t stop it for good, unless we mobilize millions of Americans like you right now. 

Sign the petition TODAY!

Exemptions have been requested and granted for special interests like: Congress and their staff, Labor Unions, restaurants and even entire states like Massachusetts.  Even those who strongly supported the law are having second thoughts. In July, Presidents of the Teamsters and other unions sent a scathing letter to leading Democrats detailing many of the problems Americans face with this law. They said the law will “destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week” and confirmed that many employers are cutting employees’ hours.

Join us today and tell President Obama that you, too, would like to be exempt from this disastrous law!

In Liberty,

Tim Phillips

President of Americans for Prosperity

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