STATE OF DISUNION-YOUR HEALTH (as in live or die, be healthy or sick) Scott Tips, Pres. Of The National Health Foundation–You Will NOT Feel Well After Listening!

So, Bloomberg outlaws big sodas, Michele Obama decries unhealthy foods and fat folks, Barrack tells how good this Obamacare thing is going to be and etc. etc. Here is the rest of the story–what they don’t tell you, or flatly lie about. The REAL State of Disunion of your health and life. Those airport machines that “are absolutely safe”? Not so much.

Scott Tips, President and Chief Legal Counsel for the National Health Federation, fighting the fight for all of us at national and international levels, refuses to go through one–find out why! Those vitamins and health supplements everyone says to gobble?  Ever hear of CODEX? Scott just wrote a great book on this health secret of secrets. CODEX is the health equivalent of Agenda 21, and also from our “friends” at the United Nations, via the World Health Organization which is working hard to dumb down our medications and vitamins/supplements. Why? The reasons will make you shiver. The anti-biotic shortage you have not yet heard of? VERY real. Know why? Ever hear of crony capitalism, the 80 billion give away from YOUR pocket to the big pharmaceuticals to get their support back in the 2009 uproar over the passage of Obamacare? You will hear it now. Bye, bye less expensive generics. How about mental health and the spate of mass shootings in the U.S. over the past several years? You may need an aspirin after this show!

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Additional Resources:

Airport Scanners in 2014 – Currents of Fear and the End of Privacy

“Terrorism – or the perceived threat of it – has turned democracies into paranoid armed camps in which the state feels justified in assuming that every citizen is a potential terrorist.” – John Naughton

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