Summary Of The Vaccine That Isn’t A Vaccine… Propaganda, How To Recognize It… Words Shape Information… China And Russia, Boxing The US In… The Great Idea Purge

2 Responses to “Summary Of The Vaccine That Isn’t A Vaccine… Propaganda, How To Recognize It… Words Shape Information… China And Russia, Boxing The US In… The Great Idea Purge”

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  1. Mitch Bell says:

    Great show Reid, I just stumbled on your show heading home from work today on KBDT 1160. I will be listening to all of your past shows as I drive into work at DFW. Thanks for all the great info and opinions you spoke today. Means a lot that you are willing to fight the cancel culture folks. Thanks again.
    Semper Fi Mitchell

    • Reid says:

      Apologies for the delay, Mitchell–new computer systems, slow on the uptake–laughing. And Semper Fi back at ya. Really appreciate the comments–and delighted you like the show. Yep, you will find the archives most interesting–this show is WAY ahead of other media, sometimes by years on events unfortunately shaping up today!


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